如果使用文件资源管理器或ArcGIS Pro之外的其他应用程序将项目返回到其预期位置或将其重命名为其预期名称,则将恢复连接有效性。 您可以通过刷新连接来移除红色感叹号。 修复无效的服务器和数据库连接 与服务器、企业级地理数据库和云项目的连接在打开工程时可能看起来有效,但在尝试访问连接时显示为无效。 当在预期位置...
Back up the project You can automatically back up your open project at an interval specified in minutes. The backup process does not interrupt your work or slow down the performance ofArcGIS Pro. You can continue to save the project manually whenever you want. IfArcGIS Proshuts down unexpectedl...
Some organizations—larger ones in particular—configure all their members’ Documents folders to be synchronized with OneDrive to benefit from backup and other OneDrive features. ArcGIS Pro stores files, such as project files and their default geodatabases and toolboxes, in the user’s Documents f...
在Pro 工程部分中,选择以下选项之一指定工程所在的位置: 当前- 在ArcGIS Pro中打开的工程。 门户- 在ArcGIS Enterprise门户或ArcGIS Online中托管的工程包。 文件路径 还可以使用ArcGIS Arcade表达式提供动态值。 如果选择门户,单击添加 Pro 工程,然后执行以下操作: ...
OpenArcGIS Pro, and start a new project (a template is not required). On theViewtab in theWindowsgroup, click thePythonbutton to show the Python window. Paste the following script in the Python window to display the version, patch level and build number: ...
save () 1. 将更改保存至 ArcGISProject (.aprx)。已保存此项目,同时项目变量继续引用原始 ArcGISProject对象。 saveACopy (file_name) 1. 该方法会创建新输出工程文件,但工程变量继续引用原始 ArcGISProject 对象。并不会复制工程文件夹中的所有内容。
// the tool to be executed has workspace as first parameter// feature class name as second and feature type as third parameterstringoutpath=Project.Current.DefaultGeodatabasePath;stringfcname="accident_sites";varsr=awaitQueuedTask.Run(()=>{returnSpatialReferenceBuilder.CreateSpatialReference(3857);}...
Zoom to a specified point //Create a point var pt = MapPointBuilderEx.CreateMapPoint(x, y, SpatialReferenceBuilder.CreateSpatialReference(4326)); //Buffer it - for purpose of zoom var poly = GeometryEngine.Instance.Buffer(pt, buffer_size); //do we need to project the buffer polygon? if ...
Check your connection and credentials and try again or Fetching data from www.arcgis.com failed.This is usually caused by an invalid authentication token that has expired. Please reauthenticate to continue.: If this error is received from a connector action, then the ArcGIS token has expired. ...
Check your connection and credentials and try again or Fetching data from www.arcgis.com failed.This is usually caused by an invalid authentication token that has expired. Please reauthenticate to continue.: If this error is received from a connector action, then the ArcGIS token has expired. ...