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Unique numeric IDs are not assigned to layers and stand-alone tables in your map because theAllow assignment of unique numeric IDs for sharing web layersoption is not enabled on theMap Propertiesdialog box. It is recommended that you author...
If you do not manually assign layer IDs, you may encounter analyzer error 00374 when sharing web layers.As a best practice, manually assign layer IDs prior to publishing if you intend to overwrite the web layer or service in the future. Otherwise, service sublayer IDs can potentially change ...
(.sddraft) that enables thecheckUniqueIDAssignmentproperty. The service definition draft file is analyzed during staging. If the map is not set to allow assignment of unique numeric IDs for sharing web layers, analyzer error00374is returned and a message is printed. For more information, see...
The following script creates amap servicedefinition draft (.sddraft) file that enables thecheckUniqueIDAssignmentproperty. The service definition draft file is analyzed during staging. If the map is not set to allow assignment of unique numeric IDs for sharing web layers, analyzer error00374is return...
エラー 00374: Web レイヤーを共有できるよう一意の数値 ID の割り当てを許可がマップ プロパティで無効になっています
このArcGIS 3.1 ドキュメントはアーカイブされており、今後更新されません。 コンテンツとリンクが古い場合があります。最新のドキュメントをご参照ください。 次のいずれかを実行しています。 Web フィーチャ レイヤーの共有...
The following script creates aweb feature layerservice definition draft file (.sddraft) that enables thecheckUniqueIDAssignmentproperty. The.sddraftfile is analyzed during staging. If the map is not set to allow assignment of unique numeric IDs for sharing web layers, analyzer error00374is returned...
(.sddraft) that enables thecheckUniqueIDAssignmentproperty. The service definition draft file is analyzed during staging. If the map is not set to allow assignment of unique numeric IDs for sharing web layers, analyzer error00374is returned and a message is printed. For more information, see...
(.sddraft) that enables thecheckUniqueIDAssignmentproperty. The service definition draft file is analyzed during staging. If the map is not set to allow assignment of unique numeric IDs for sharing web layers, analyzer error00374is returned and a message is printed. For more information, see...