importarcpy# Set environmentarcpy.env.workspace ="C:/workspace"arcpy.env.extent ="C:/data/StudyArea.tif"arcpy.env.snapRaster ="C:/data/slope_ras.tif"# Set Mask environmentarcpy.env.mask ="C:/data/maskpoly.shp"# Set local variablesInZones ="C:/data/parcels.shp"InZoneField ="Parcel_ID...
[タイム ゾーン] - 日付フィールドが格納されるタイム ゾーン。 スクリプトの構文 arcpy.env.timeZone = string パラメーター説明 string 日付フィールドが格納されるタイム ゾーン。timeZone 構文 スクリプトの例 import arcpy # Set the timeZone environment to United States pacific standar...
import arcpy # Set environment settings arcpy.env.workspace = 'C:/data' # Set Local Variables inFC = 'lineFC.shp' bufferOut = 'buffer3d.shp' # Execute Buffer 3D arcpy.Buffer3D_3d(inFC, bufferOut, '15 Meters', 'Round', '30', '1 Meters') arcpy.Inside3D_3d(bufferOut,'survey_pts...
# Name: Description: Aggregates city limits polygons into a county boundary# Requirements: ArcInfo Workstation# Import system modulesimportarcpyfromarcpyimportenv# Set environment settingsenv.workspace="C:/data"# Set local variablesinCover="citylim"outCover="c:/output...
Spatial Analyst Extension# Import system modulesimportarcpyfromarcpyimportenvfromarcpy.saimport*# Set environment settingsenv.workspace="C:/sapyexamples/data"# Set local variablesinPointFeatures="poi.shp"inRasterList=[["doqq.img","doqqval"],["redstd","focalstd"],["redmin","focalmin"]]# Che...
When a tool is executed, the current environment settings can also be used as global input parameter values. Settings, such as an area of interest (extent), the coordinate system of the output dataset, and the cell size of a new raster dataset, can all be specified in the geoprocessing e...
Searching for ArcGIS Pro in the Apps & Features Settings Left-click on ArcGIS Pro and select 'Uninstall'. A pop-up will open, select 'Uninstall' again. Uninstalling ArcGIS Pro A final pop-up will then open and ask you(again)if you 'Are sure you want to uninstall this product?' ...
如果您先前已为ArcGIS Pro创建了另一个Python环境,则首先需要切换到默认的arcgispro-py3环境。 深度学习库将自动安装在arcgispro-py3中。 在已安装包部分的搜索框中键入deep,然后检查结果中是否列出了deep-learning-essentials包。 它是在ArcGIS Pro中执行深度学习训练和推理所需的包之一。
ProSnippets: DAML ProConcepts: Framework ProConcepts: Asynchronous Programming in ArcGIS Pro ProConcepts: Advanced topics ProGuide: Custom settings ProGuide: Command line switches for ArcGISPro.exe ProGuide: Reusing ArcGIS Pro Commands ProGuide: Licensing ProGuide: Digital signatures ProGuide: Command ...
Apps can operate in a fully disconnected environment by opening mobile map packages or mobile scene packages created with ArcGIS Pro. These read-only packages can be shared within an organization or distributed by traditional means and copied onto any number of devices. See Take a map offline ...