Eliminate example 2 (stand-alone script) The following stand-alone script demonstrates how to use theEliminatetool. # Name: Eliminate_Example2.py# Description: Eliminate features based on a selection.# Import system modulesimportarcpy# Set environment settingsarcpy.env.workspace ="C:/data/Portland....
Eliminate(in_features, out_feature_class, {selection}, {ex_where_clause}, {ex_features}) 参数 说明 数据类型 in_features 其中的面将与邻近面进行合并的图层。 Feature Layer out_feature_class 待创建的要素类。 Feature Class selection (可选) 这些选项可指定将要使用的消除要素的方法。 LENGTH—通过删除...
打开Arctoolbox,执行 [消除] 指定输入图层:tinSlopef, 输出要素类:TinSlopef_Elminate.shp命令。 Eliminate(合并破碎多边形)操作原理 原始多边形合并后多边形,选中的(面积<=10000m2 )多边形被合并到与之相邻的面积最大的多边形中 将地图适当放大,比较原始图层:tinSlopef 与合并后的图层:tinSlopef_Eliminate (6) T...
[IGN] Maplex - Line river label overlapping street weighted 999 unnecessarily The Eliminate tool does not accept either feature layer or feature class in ModelBuilder when an inline variable substitution is used for the input. When creating a grid in ArcGIS Pro, if the East and West labels ...
Eliminate 示例 2(独立脚本) 以下独立脚本演示了如何使用Eliminate函数。 # Name: Eliminate_Example2.py# Description: Eliminate features based on a selection.# Import system modulesimportarcpy# Set environment settingsarcpy.env.workspace="C:/data/Portland.gdb/Census"# Set local variablesinFeatures="block...
# Name: SmoothPolygon_Example2.py# Description: Eliminate small islands before simplifying and smoothing lake boundaries# Import system modulesimportarcpyimportarcpy.cartographyasCAimportarcpy.managementasDM# Set environment settingsarcpy.env.workspace="C:/data/Portland.gdb/Hydrography"# Set local variablesin...
Create a Pairwise Eliminate Tool, or Expose Eliminate to the Parallel Processing Factor Using the 'KML to Layer' tool assign the feature dataset and feature class with the same name assigned to the file geodatabase Provide the ability to index specific folders on network drives in ArcGIS Pro....
“Locators created by this tool cannot be used as a local locator in ArcMap.” -Does this mean we cannot use the Create Locator Tool when using ArcGIS Pro installed on a Local Desktop Machine? 2. When using the New Create Locator tool in 2.6 for what I assume ...
the more work will likely be involved. The Analyze Tools for Pro will help eliminate some of the pain of migration. While ArcMap will still be around for some time, it is important to at least be prepared for the jump to ArcGIS Pro. Even if you are sticking to ArcMap for now, you...
开始时间: 2022年12月6日 21:58:36 stpm ChangePointDetection_stpm CreateSpaceTimeCube_stpm CreateSpaceTimeCubeDefinedLocations_stpm CreateSpaceTimeCubeMDRasterLayer_stpm CurveFitForecast_stpm DescribeSpaceTimeCube_stpm EmergingHotSpotAnalysis_stpm EvaluateForecastsByLocation_stpm ...