When you create features with a feature template, attribute values that are saved with the template are applied to new features. To override these values before you create a feature, click the Active Template button.
publicasyncTask RotateFeature(ArcGIS.Core.Geometry.Polygon polygon, intoid)//旋转要素 { awaitArcGIS.Desktop.Framework.Threading.Tasks.QueuedTask.Run(() => { varorigin = MapPointBuilderEx.CreateMapPoint(0, 0, null);varrotateFeatures = newEditOperation();rotateFeatures.Name = "Rotate Features";/...
There are four primary ways to create a new feature class: Using the Create Feature Class wizard Using theCreate Feature Classgeoprocessing tool Saving the contents of a map layer Converting an external data source, such as a shapefile or CAD data, into a feature class ...
public static async Task CreateFeatureClass(string featureclassName, EnumFeatureClassType featureclassType, SpatialReference pSpatialReference) { List arguments = new List { // store the results in the default geodatabase CoreModule.CurrentProject.DefaultGeodatabasePath, // name of the feature class fe...
在ArcGIS Online 上创建 GeoPlanner 模板群组。 创建并共享模板 web 地图。 创建一个或多个要素类,然后将其作为要素图层添加至 ArcGIS Desktop 或ArcGIS Pro。 将符号分配给要素图层,然后向其添加要素模板。 将要素图层共享为 ArcGIS Online 中的要素服务。
Pro2.2版本中可以直接加载Revit格式,加载之后图层为multipatch数据类型,利用Layer 3D To Feature Class工具,可以批量将图层导出为要素类,储存在Filegdb中。 2.3 倾斜摄影 随着无人机的发展、基于照片构建三维模型的技术日渐成熟,三维数据制作成本逐渐降低,并成为三维数据的重要来源之一。I3S标准作为开放的标准已经得到了市...
Create a record in a feature layerOperation ID: CreateItemInFeatureLayer This action adds a new record to a feature layer. Parameters Expand table NameKeyRequiredTypeDescription Layers in contentFilter True string When you sign in using your ArcGIS account, you can search for content in your...
Create New Table Template using table.CreateTemplate Update a Table Template Create Annotation Template Remove a table template Active Template Changed Annotation Annotation Construction Tool Programmatically start Edit Annotation Programmatically Create an Annotation Feature Update Annotation Text Mo...
addVertex=arcpy.CreateFeatureclass_management("in_memory","addVertex","POLYLINE",spatial_reference=arcpy.Describe(input_line).spatialReference)arcpy.AddField_management(addVertex,"origin","LONG")# 创建与line对应的折线并写入addVertexwitharcpy.da.SearchCursor(input_line,["SHAPE@","OID@"])assc:witharcpy...
如有必要,打开在之前的部分中使用的 ArcGIS Pro 工程。 登录到 ArcGIS 组织。 在共享选项卡的共享为组中,单击 Web 图层下拉箭头,然后选择发布Web 图层。 随即显示共享为 web 图层窗格。 在名称文本框中为服务提供一个名称。 在标签文本框中输入 geodesignTemplateFeatureService。 geodesignTemplateFeatureService 标签...