ArcGIS Pro 3.4| |帮助归档 您可以根据已知坐标或根据距离和方位角值以交互方式来创建线。 以交互方式创建线 要通过单击地图以交互方式创建线,请完成以下步骤: 单击功能区上的插入选项卡。 在测量组中,单击距离和方向。 在距离和方向窗格中,单击线选项卡。
This video was created withArcGIS Pro 3.2. To create the first perpendicular line feature from which all other lines are copied, complete the following steps: Add your data andconfigure settings for editing. Confirm that the feature layer you are editing is editable, the coordinate system assigned...
In ArcGIS Pro, points with a specified distance can be configured between the points along a line feature. For example, configuring the specified distances between streetlights on a highway line can be done by creating points along the line feature. This article describes the workflows to ...
IsSketchTool=true; SketchType=SketchGeometryType.Line; SketchOutputMode=SketchOutputMode.Screen; }protectedoverrideTask OnToolActivateAsync(boolactive) {returnbase.OnToolActivateAsync(active); }//protected override Task<bool> OnSketchCompleteAsync(Geometry geometry)//{//Map activeMap = MapView.Active....
In theIntersectgeoprocessing pane, forInput Features, select the line layer output from step 1. ForOutput Feature Class, specify a name and location for the output point layer. ForOutput Type, selectPointfrom the drop-down menu. ClickRun. ...,out_featureclass,startx_field,starty_field,endx_field,endy_field,{line_type},{id_field},{spatial_reference},{attributes}) 运行XY转线工具会根据起点和终点坐标生成直线图,ID字段填写的字段可以保留到输出要素中,一般我们需要将权重值传递到输出要素中。
annoProperties.Underline=true;//set the geometry to be the sketched line//when creating annotation features the shape to be passed in the create operation is the CIMTextGraphic shapeannoProperties.Shape=geometry;//set the annotation properties back on the inspectorinspector.SetAnnotationProperties(anno...
Create an events table using the DDL Get route information from a polyline feature class with M-values Get event information Create a RouteEventSource via dynamic segmentation process for point events Create a RouteEventSource via dynamic segmentation process for line events Locate features alo...
如有必要,打开在之前的部分中使用的ArcGIS Pro工程。 登录到 ArcGIS 组织。 在共享选项卡的共享为组中,单击Web 图层下拉箭头,然后选择发布 Web 图层。 随即显示共享为 web 图层窗格。 在名称文本框中为服务提供一个名称。 在标签文本框中提供标签,并添加必需的geodesignTemplateFeatureService标签。
Target Feature为渔网图层,Join Feature为POI点 打开属性表后可发现已连接成功 其中Join Count为该区域POI数量 多要素空间连接 连接多种类型的POI点,统计每个网格内各类型POI点数量,最后进行字段计算 具体为每次使用空间连接后新建一个该POI对应的字段,使用字段计算器将Join Count与新建字段进行连接,其数值即为该区域所...