面要素中的孔是多部分要素的一部分。 要创建孔,请完成主要部分并草绘孔。 (可选)可分割要素并删除该部分,或使用现有重叠要素裁剪孔。 可在修改要素窗格中找到这些工具。 继续草绘要素 延续要素工具用于继续草绘所选要素。 要创建孔,在未完成的面要素边界内部草绘表示孔的面部分。
ArcGIS Pro 3.4 | 其他版本| 帮助归档 本主题包含 3 种可用于在面要素中剪出孔洞的方法。 结果是一个多部分面要素,其组成部分表示孔洞。 可在修改要素窗格中找到这些工具。 继续草绘要素 延续要素工具 可继续构造要素,并允许您使用构造工具栏上的工具绘制孔洞部分。 要继续构造要素并绘制孔洞,请完成以下步骤: 添...
geometric: (default) Returns the true centroid of the geometry. The geometric centroid for an array of points will return the mean of all the points, whereas for polygons, the geometric centroid is representative of the shape's area. For irregular polygons, the geometric centroid may not be ...
I have a point feature layer in agdbthat I would like convert tobinsvia theEnable Feature Binningtool inArcGIS Pro 3. However, I am getting the following error. How can I create anRDMSto resolve this error? Or is there an alternative tool which does not require aRDBMSto create such a b...
添加了两个字段:Summarized Area in SQUAREKILOMETERS和Count of Polygons,前者表示每个地区的水库总面积(以平方千米为单位),后者表示每个区域范围内的水库数量。 注: 了解如何更改新字段的别名,尝试学习此教程管理包含过多字段的图层。 关闭属性表和地理处理窗格。
To create features, just click on the “Edit” tab and start marking up your map. It’s as easy as that! You can also create lines and polygons as well, which is really convenient. 13. Heat Maps One of the biggest improvements in ArcGIS Pro is that you don’t have to run thekern...
AreaUnit - Convert between hectares and square miles AreaUnit - How many Square meters in various units AreaUnit - Create an AreaUnit Geometry-GeometryEngine Snippets GeometryEngine functions Accelerate Geometries Determine area of a polygon Determine the boundary of a multi-part Polygon Buffer...
Name = "Create polygons", SelectNewFeatures = false }; PolylineBuilder polylineBuilder = new PolylineBuilder(polygonDefinition.GetSpatialReference()); while (lineCursor.MoveNext()) { // retrieve the first feature using (var lineFeature = lineCursor.Current as Feature) ...
创建一些点和线,对面的生成可以使用拓扑工具中的打断相交线planarizelines工具对线段交点处打断操作(设置的打断容差指的是在该容差范围内要进行打断操作),然后利用拓扑工具--构建多边形工具construction polygons由线段构建多边形。在数据集上右击—新建--建立拓扑,弹出的建立拓扑对话框输入名称,容差,要进行拓扑的图层,设置...
Polygons represent the features of an area on the map. A polygon feature can sometimes contain an excessive number of vertices, and this can cause performance issues such as increase in data size, res