If two polygons share a portion of their boundaries, one output line will be generated representing the shared segment. The line direction will be arbitrary; theLEFT_FIDand theRIGHT_FIDwill be set to the left or right polygon feature IDs accordingly. ...
① 面转线:polygon to line是把面的轮廓线转换为一个线对象;面转点:feature topoint是只把面对象的中心点转换为点要素;面折点转点:featurevertices to points把面的轮廓的所有的折点转化为点。② 线转面:feature to polygon是把闭合线转换为面对象。线转点:feature topoint是把线的中心点转为点。
To convert polylines to polygons, ensure the polylines are enclosed. Add a new line to connect the points if necessary. Open the ArcGIS Pro project. Create a polygon feature class. Refer toArcGIS Pro: Create a feature classfor instructions. In this example, the Polygon_FC polygon ...
点线面要素类型之间的相互转换 面转线:polygon to line是把面的轮廓线转换为一个线对象。 面转点:feature topoint是只把面对象的中心点转换为点要素。 面折点转点:featurevertices to points把面的轮廓的所有的折点转化为点。 线转面:feature to polygon是把闭合线转换为面对象。 线转点:feature topoint是把...
- Convert Features to Points - Convert Features to Equidistant Points (Fixed Number) - Convert Features to Equidistant Points (Fixed Interval) - Convert Multipart Shapes to Single Parts - Convert Polygons to Polylines - Make Polygons from Points ...
面转线:polygon to line是把面的轮廓线转换为一个线对象。 面转点:feature topoint是只把面对象的中心点转换为点要素。 面折点转点:featurevertices to points把面的轮廓的所有的折点转化为点。 线转面:feature to polygon是把闭合线转换为面对象。
创建的要素类中将包含由面边界转换而来的线(无论是否考虑邻近面)。 插图 使用情况 如果选中识别和存储面邻域信息复选框(在 Python 中将 neighbor_option 设置为 IDENTIFY_NEIGHBORS),则会分析面邻域关系。如上图所示,将边界转换为线时将考虑相交线段或公共线段;向输出要素类添加两个新字段 LEFT_FID 和RIGHT_FID,然...
①面转线:polygon to line是把面的轮廓线转换为一个线对象;面转点:feature topoint是只把面对象的中心点转换为点要素;面折点转点:featurevertices to points把面的轮廓的所有的折点转化为点。②线转面:feature to polygon是把闭合线转换为面对象。线转点:feature topoint是把线的中心点转为点。线折点转为点...
对比Shapely包:Shapely中有Point、LineString、Polygon、MultiPoint、MultiLineString、MultiPolygon、GeometryCollection,也支持从numpy的array对象创建几何对象。 Point和PointGeometry Point无空间参考信息,通常是一对点坐标,PointGeometry有空参考信息,是一个几何对象。下面的代码演示了 Point 对象如何使用PointGeometry类构造几...
Features can be points, lines, or polygons (areas). Feature layers are most appropriate for visualizing data on top of a basemap. Create point geometry Create point geometry object from Longitude (X) and Latitude (Y) Create report Create report Delete a record from feature layer This ...