Contour typeis used to produce either contour lines or polygons. For example, if you have a raster with values between 0 and 575 and your contour interval is 250, the following are the various output feature classes that will be created. The actual output is presented, as well as the ind...
Contour type is used to produce either contour lines or polygons. For example, if you have a raster with values between 0 and 575 and your contour interval is 250, the following are the various output feature classes that will be created. The actual output is presented, as well as the ...
①获得等高线文件(等高线文件一般从地形图上矢量化过来);②然后利用3Danalyst toolsàTINmanagermentàcreateTIN生成tin数据;③然后可以利用生成的tin数据通过3Danalyst tools—>conversionàfrom TINàTIN to raster(也可以直接通过栅格插值rasterinterprolation-->地形到栅格topo toraster);④利用生成的栅格raster数据就可以进...
例如如果输入数据为img,可以通过3D analyst toolsàconversionàfromrasteràrasterto TIN转成TIN;然后通过3D analyst toolsàterrain and TIN surfaceàsurfacecontour转为等值线;由于等值线间隔比较棱角,可以通过advancedediting高级编辑工具中的平滑工具(光滑线)进行平滑处理。如果等高线的点过少可以进行editingtools--加密d...
创建一些点和线,对面的生成可以使用拓扑工具中的打断相交线planarizelines工具对线段交点处打断操作(设置的打断容差指的是在该容差范围内要进行打断操作),然后利用拓扑工具--构建多边形工具construction polygons由线段构建多边形。在数据集上右击—新建--建立拓扑,弹出的建立拓扑对话框输入名称,容差,要进行拓扑的图层,设置...
创建一些点和线,对面的生成可以使用拓扑工具中的打断相交线planarizelines工具对线段交点处打断操作(设置的打断容差指的是在该容差范围内要进行打断操作),然后利用拓扑工具--构建多边形工具construction polygons由线段构建多边形。在数据集上右击—新建--建立拓扑,弹出的建立拓扑对话框输入名称,容差,要进行拓扑的图层,设置...
创建一些点和线,对面的生成可以使用拓扑工具中的打断相交线planarizelines工具对线段交点处打断操作(设置的打断容差指的是在该容差范围内要进行打断操作),然后利用拓扑工具--构建多边形工具construction polygons由线段构建多边形。在数据集上右击—新建--建立拓扑,弹出的建立拓扑对话框输入名称,容差,要进行拓扑的图层,设置...
Construct a Polygon - from an Envelope Get the points of a Polygon Get the parts of a Polygon Enumerate the parts of a Polygon Get the segments of a Polygon Build a donut polygon Create an N-sided regular polygon Get the exterior rings of a polygon - polygon.GetExteriorRing ...
Feature Class Z To ASCIItool(3D Analyst) Raster elevation data into an ASCII text file (.asc) Raster to ASCIItool Raster elevation data into contour lines Contourtool(3D Analyst or Spatial Analyst) Visualizing Hillshade, shaded relief, aspect, slope, and many other useful derivatives of ...
2.选择3D Analyst>Create/Modify TIN > Add Features to TIN. 3.选中TIN图层作为输入TIN。 4.选中polygon图层。 5.给选中图层作如下设置: Height source: Triangluate As: hard clip Tag value field: 6.将修改输出到一个新的TIN图层。 7.点击OK。