You can connect to the geodatabase as the geodatabase administrator fromArcGIS Proto view and, if necessary, drop connections. Or you can useArcPyfunctions to complete the same workflow. To disconnect users from an enterprise geodatabase inMicrosoft SQL Server, the geodatabase administra...
Enterprise geodatabases, databases, and cloud data warehouses are remotely located and are accessed through connection files stored on the file system. Note: The term database is often reserved for database management systems (DBMS) such as IBM Db2 or Oracle. However, in an ArcGIS Pro ...
- ArcGIS Enterprise might have a different version of Postgres that is used behind the scenes. This is independent of Enterprise Geodatabase version of Postgres that you decide to use. - When you connect to the Postgres instance on the Linux machine via PgAdmin and run SHOW server_version...
Attempts to make a database connection to an enterprise geodatabase in ArcGIS Pro fail, and return the following error message: Error: Failed to connect to database. No ArcGIS Server license found. Contact your geodatabase administrator to update license Cause The ArcGIS Server license is e...
Similarly, ArcGIS Pro users can connect to a portal on AWS and work with layers from the portal. Note: Instructions provided here do not include connecting to a geodatabase or other data sources on AWS, as this is not an advisable workflow, primarily for performance reasons. When working...
企业级地理数据库存储在数据库中并向其中添加功能。 在 ArcGIS Enterprise 中,您可以通过 ArcGIS Server web 服务访问企业级地理数据库中的数据。 如果您有 ArcGIS Enterprise(或 ArcGIS Server Basic)许可,则可以在支持的数据库中创建企业级地理数据库。 要与 ArcGIS Pro 中的企业级地理数据库交互,您...
可以使用创建企业级地理数据库地理处理工具或 Python 脚本在 Microsoft SQL Server 或 PostgreSQL 数据库管理系统中创建数据库、地理数据库管理员和企业级地理数据库。还可以使用此工具在 Oracle 数据库中创建默认表空间、地理数据库管理员和企业级地理数据库。
In some instances, attempts to register enterprise geodatabases in ArcGIS Server Manager fail and the following error message is returned.Error: [object Object], [object Object], [object Object], [o
一般在Oracle单机实例的情况下需要存储ArcGIS空间数据,第一次需要使用ArcGIS工具箱中的Create Enterprise Geodatabase工具生成SDE用户、表空间及相应的管理表,这个在Oracle单机实例情况下是没有问题的。 但是在Oracle RAC群集的情况下使用该工具创建SDE相关内容时,会创建失败,具体错误原因为无法找到表空间的数据文件。这时打...
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