Clip function ArcGIS Pro 3.4| |Help archive Overview Clips a raster layer using a rectangular shape according to the extents defined, or will clip a raster layer to the shape of an input polygon feature class. The shape defining the clip can include the extent of the raster layer or an ...
ArcGIS.Core.Geometry.Polygon polygon = myFeature.GetShape() asArcGIS.Core.Geometry.Polygon;//执行要素旋转 _ = RotateFeature(polygon, 1);} } });} else { MessageBox.Show("请先选择图层"); } 运行结果如下:2.2要素(Feature)划分—分割 首先,在【Button1】类中添加要素分割方法,代码如下所示:...
Clip ArcGIS Pro 3.3 | Andere Versionen| Hilfearchiv Zusammenfassung Creates a raster object that is clipped according to the extent of an input raster dataset or the shape of an input polygon feature class. Diskussion Use the Clip function to extract a portion of your raster dataset according ...
Create QueryDescription from a query for a Database table which has more than one shape type Create QueryDescription from a query for an SQLite Database table Using SQLSyntax to form platform agnostic queries Joining a file geodatabase feature class to an Oracle database query layer feature...
①获得等高线文件(等高线文件一般从地形图上矢量化过来);②然后利用3Danalyst toolsàTINmanagermentàcreateTIN生成tin数据;③然后可以利用生成的tin数据通过3Danalyst tools—>conversionàfrom TINàTIN to raster(也可以直接通过栅格插值rasterinterprolation-->地形到栅格topo toraster);④利用生成的栅格raster数据就可以进...
Load(featureLayer, oid); var geom = insp2["SHAPE"] as Geometry; var rtoken = duplicateFeatures.Create(insp2.MapMember, insp2.ToDictionary(a => a.FieldName, a => a.CurrentValue)); if (!duplicateFeatures.IsEmpty) { if (duplicateFeatures.Execute())//Execute and ExecuteAsync will return...
Select the artwork that you want to unite. Under Shape Modes, click Unite. Note: Vector tile layers do not have visible boundaries in PDF exports from ArcGIS Pro. This is because .pdf files do not undergo the same layer organization processing that is necessary for .aix files. Feedback on...
工具在:ArcToolbox-->DataManagerment Tolls-->Raster-->Raster Processing-->Clip。 8、ArcGIS矢量的裁剪 工具位于ArcToolbox-->Analysis Tools-->Extract-->Clip。其中输入要素Input Feature为被裁切的图层(可以为点线面),clip feature裁切要素为裁切范围边框(需要为面)。注意:裁切后的要素数量是根据原裁图层决定...
ArcGIS Pro随即打开。 在新建标题下包含工程模板列表。 在新建工程下,单击地图。 在新建工程窗口中,对于名称,输入SDG_Japan。 单击确定。 随即将在ArcGIS Pro中打开一个空白地图工程。 根据您组织的设置,默认范围可能有所不同。 首先,您需要更改底图,使其突出显示您的数据。
distanceTo (other) 参数说明数据类型 other A second geometry. Object 返回值 数据类型说明 Double 两个几何之间的距离。 equals (second_geometry) 参数说明数据类型 second_geometry A second geometry. Object 返回值 数据类型说明 Boolean 返回布尔值为True表示两个几何的 shape 类型相同并在平面中定义了相同点集...