ただし、[フィーチャ レイヤーの作成 (Make Feature Layer)]ツールで作成した 1 つ以上のレイヤーを入力として使用し、フィールドの[比率ポリシーの使用]をオンにしている場合は、入力属性値の比率が計算され、出力属性値に適用されます。[比率ポリシーの使用]が有効な場合、オーバーレイ操作...
Clip function ArcGIS Pro 3.4| |Help archive Overview Clips a raster layer using a rectangular shape according to the extents defined, or will clip a raster layer to the shape of an input polygon feature class. The shape defining the clip can include the extent of the raster layer or an ...
Combine two layers into a single layer using intersect or erase with theArcGIS GeoAnalytics ServerOverlay Layerstool. Export feature layer data to an item inContentusing theExtract Datastandard analysis tool. ArcGIS Proanalysis tools To run this tool fromArcGIS Pro, your active portal must beEnterpr...
Layer featureLayer= a.KeyasLayer;foreach(varidina.Value) {vardeleteFeatures =newEditOperation(); deleteFeatures.Name="Delete Features"; deleteFeatures.ShowProgressor=true; deleteFeatures.EditOperationType=EditOperationType.Long; deleteFeatures.Clip(featureLayer, id, geometry); deleteFeatures.ExecuteAsync()...
Feature Layer clip_features 用于裁剪输入要素的要素。 Feature Layer out_feature_class 待创建的要素类。 Feature Class cluster_tolerance (可选) 所有要素坐标之间的最小距离以及坐标可以沿 X 和/或 Y 方向移动的距离。如果此值设置得较高,则数据的坐标精度将会较低;如果此值设置得较低,则数据的坐标精度将会...
1、要素移动 首先,在【Button1】类中添加要素移动方法,代码如下所示:publicasyncTask moveFeature()//移动要素 { awaitArcGIS.Desktop.Framework.Threading.Tasks.QueuedTask.Run(() => { //从图层中获取所有选定的ObjectID。varfirstLayer = MapView.Active.Map.GetLayersAsFlattenedList().OfType<FeatureLayer>...
Edit Operation Clip Features Edit Operation Cut Features Edit Operation Delete Features Edit Operation Duplicate Features Edit Operation Explode Features Edit Operation Merge Features Edit Operation Modify single feature Edit Operation Modify multiple features Search for layer features and update ...
Rubbersheet(layer, rubbersheetMethod2); if (!rubbersheetOp.IsEmpty) { //Execute the operation var result = rubbersheetOp.Execute(); //Execute and ExecuteAsync will return true if the operation was successful and false if not } Edit Operation Perform a Clip, Cut, and Planarize //Multiple ...
arcpy.management.Clip(in_raster, rectangle, out_raster, {in_template_dataset}, {nodata_value}, {clipping_geometry}, {maintain_clipping_extent}) 参数说明数据类型 in_raster 要裁剪的栅格数据集、镶嵌数据集或影像服务。 Mosaic Dataset; Mosaic Layer; Raster Dataset; Raster Layer ...
2.单击Image选项卡->单击Raster Functions->清除搜索框中的内容,然后单击Custom->单击Landslide Susceptibility Analysis->在弹出的对话框中,进行如下设置->Create new layer-> 右键单击Thomas FireBoundary图层->Zoom To Layer。 3.关闭除WorldHillshade、World Topographic Map和Landslide Susceptibility Analysis之外的所有...