To clip a specific area on the map and use it as a basemap in Map Viewer, follow the steps below: Open the map in ArcGIS Pro and clip the layer to display only the desired area. Refer toArcGIS Pro: Clip layers in a mapfor instructions. ...
如果clipLayers 已设置为 True,则为要从地图裁剪中排除的 Layer 对象列表。 List mapType (只读) 返回一个字符串,用于报告 Map 对象类型信息。 可能的值有: BASEMAP—针对底图返回 MAP—针对地图或立体地图返回 SCENE—针对局部场景和全球场景返回 String mapUnits (只读) 返回一个字符串值,该值表示为 Map ...
Dans le groupe Preview (Aperçu), cliquez sur Basemap (Fond de carte) puis sur Oceans (Océans). Le fond de carte change dans l’aperçu géographique. Dans le groupe Thumbnail (Miniature), cliquez sur Create (Créer) . Dans le volet de détails, cliquez sur l’onglet Metadata (Méta...
Basemap Layers Update a map's basemap layer Remove basemap layer from a map Working with Layers Get a list of layers filtered by layer type from a map Get a layer of a certain geometry type Find a layer Find a standalone table Find a layer using partial name search Change lay...
1、打开ArcGISPro,菜单栏选择【Analysis | Tools】,如图:2、然后搜索“vector”,选择搜索结果第一项,制作切片索引,如图;3、选择输入参数,在这里我们选择加载的basemap,输出参数我们将设置它保存在一个新建的文件夹中,最后它自动转换成了shp格式,如图:4、点击【run】之后生成相应的索引文件,如图:在... ...
If you are exporting from ArcGIS Pro, for a mapboard to be generated correctly, the .aix file must be created with ArcGIS Pro 2.6 or later, and your map or layout must meet the following conditions before exporting the file: Turn off Clip to graphics extent when exporting a layout. Turn...
Well, ArcGIS Pro 2.2 and later provides a convenient way to clip out a portion of the Esri World Imagery basemap for Inclusion in a Mobile map. Start ArcGIS Pro and Open a Project. On the Insert Tab click theNew Mapbutton. On the Map tab click theBasemap Gallerybutt...
You can even use ArcGIS Pro to clip the data to a custom area of interest. Note How to add StreetMap Premium data Follow these general steps to use StreetMap Premium in your app. Download the StreetMap Premium Greater Los Angeles mobile map package that is provided for development and ...
The base class provides geometry operations such as clip(), difference(), buffer()... which the child classes inherit. The arcgis.geometry.functions sub-module contains an alternate set of spatial operations. The difference between these two sets of operations is explained in the Spatial ...
ArcGIS Pro stops responding when exporting a layout containing the Modern Antique basemap with transparency applied to PDF. When creating a polyline from 3D points, the extent ZMin value is set to 0. ArcGISPortal.SignIn throws the Exception: System.AggregateException: 'A Task's exception(s) ...