ArcGIS Pro 3.4| |帮助归档 在选项对话框的当前设置选项卡中,您可以更改所打开工程的主文件夹、默认地理数据库和默认工具箱。 访问工程的当前设置 要访问工程的当前设置,请完成以下步骤: 在已打开工程的功能区上,单击工程选项卡以打开ArcGIS Pro设置。
C:\Users\<USER>\AppData\Roaming\Esri\ArcGISPro.exe_StrongName_<STRONGNAME>\<VERSIONNUMBER> 双击该文件将其打开。 注: 可以使用文本编辑器(例如 Notepad 或 Notepad++)打开该文件。 单击编辑,然后单击查找...。 在查找对话框的查找内容:搜索框中键入DefaultFolder,然后将方向设置为向下 单击查找下...
Can I store my ArcGIS Pro project in Microsoft OneDrive or Google Drive? How do I add and remove portal connections in ArcGIS Pro? Can I connect to multiple portals at the same time? Can I change the default ArcGIS Pro settings? Can I change the default location for storing ArcGIS Pro ...
Suggestion: Configure ArcGIS Pro to create projects, geodatabases, and toolboxes in another folder that is not synchronized with OneDrive. Refer toArcGIS Pro: Create projectsto set the projects, geodatabases, and toolboxes to be saved in the default location, which is the user’s Documents ...
在Pro 工程部分中,选择以下选项之一指定工程所在的位置: 当前- 在ArcGIS Pro中打开的工程。 门户- 在ArcGIS Enterprise门户或ArcGIS Online中托管的工程包。 文件路径 还可以使用ArcGIS Arcade表达式提供动态值。 如果选择门户,单击添加 Pro 工程,然后执行以下操作: ...
It provides the capabilities to geo-enrich your business data, spatially enable information from external data sources, and access location-based details from hosted feature services.DocumentationFor additional documentation and information please visit Get started with ArcGIS Connectors for Power Automate...
arcgis pro ArcGISProject ArcGISProject 描述 用于访问 ArcGIS Pro 工程方法和属性。大多数地图自动化工作流都需要引用此对象。 说明 ArcGISProject 对象用于访问 ArcGIS Pro 应用程序中找到的众多工程属性和方法。ArcGISProject 对象通常是最先引用的对象(这些对象是在地图自动化脚本中创建的)之一,因为它是访问几乎所有其...
// the tool to be executed has workspace as first parameter// feature class name as second and feature type as third parameterstringoutpath=Project.Current.DefaultGeodatabasePath;stringfcname="accident_sites";varsr=awaitQueuedTask.Run(()=>{returnSpatialReferenceBuilder.CreateSpatialReference(3857);}...
currently open when SetDefaultProjectUnitFormat(...) is called, the change will be ignored. In this example, the list of current project default format units is retrieved and the default of each list is set to the last entry in each respective list (whether it is the current default or ...
It provides the capabilities to geo-enrich your business data, spatially enable information from external data sources, and access location-based details from hosted feature services.DocumentationFor additional documentation and information please visit Get started with ArcGIS Connectors for Power Automate...