在某些情况下,尝试在 ArcGIS Pro 的 shapefile 中保存新创建的日期字段会失败,并返回以下错误消息:错误: 错误 000664:无效输入:数据集类型不受支持。
You work with shapefiles in ArcGIS Pro in a similar way to working with feature classes in a geodatabase; you can add shapefiles to the map as a layer, and you can work with their fields and properties in the fields view. Note: Although a shapefile may appear similar to a feature ...
A shapefile does not support aliases for fields, so you cannot add a field alias to a shapefile. A field of type raster allows you to include a raster image as an attribute. It is stored in or alongside the geodatabase. This is helpful when an image is the best way to describe a ...
ArcGIS ProUse the Export Features tool to convert a layer package to a shapefile in ArcGIS Pro.In ArcGIS Pro, in the Catalog tab, right-click Folders, and select Add Folder Connection. Select the desired folder containing the layer package file, and click OK to add the folder....
The shapefile must contain valid geometries.If you haveArcGIS ProorArcMap, you can use theRepair Geometrygeoprocessing tool to correct invalid geometries in shapefiles.Invalid geometries cannot be published or drawn in a map. The following features are not supported: multipatch or multipoint geometri...
Click Add Content and choose Add Layer from File. You can add the following file types: Comma separated values file (.csv) Text file (.txt) GeoJSON (.geojson or .json) GPS exchange format file (.gpx) Shapefile (as a compressed zipped file [.zip]) Ensure that all the components relat...
Create a project using template available with ArcGIS Pro Open an existing project Get the Current project Get location of current project Get the project's default gdb path Save project Check if project needs to be saved SaveAs project Close a project Add a new map to a projec...
OK.. I see it. I am using ArcGIS Pro 2.8.2 and I also cannot see the functionality of editing the properties of a layer file. Quite frustrating! I did some searches online too and ESRI doesn't seem to have documentation on it either. Maybe submit this as an idea on their ...
ArcGIS Pro TypeID Reference Language: C# Subject: Framework Contributor: ArcGIS Pro SDK Team <arcgisprosdk@esri.com> Organization: Esri, http://www.esri.com Date: 04/04/2024 ArcGIS Pro: 3.3 Visual Studio: 2022