InArcGIS Desktop, theCalculate Fieldtool supportsVB,PYTHON, andPYTHON_9.3expression types. TheVBexpression type, which is supported in some products, is not supported on 64-bit products, includingArcGIS Pro. PYTHONandPYTHON_9.3keywords are still supported inArcGIS Profor backward compatibility but are...
To calculate a field to be a numeric value, enter the numeric value in the Expression parameter with no quotation marks around the value. Legacy: arcgis.rand() is no longer supported as of ArcGIS Pro 2.0. Comparable functions using Python's random module should be used instead. To use the...
功能说明:定义一个名为calculate_population_density的函数,该函数根据传入的人口和面积计算人口密度,如果面积为零则返回None。 类图 下面是用于说明该功能的类图。 UsesFieldCalculator+string fieldName+void calculate()PythonScript+string script+void execute() 关系图 下面是字段计算器与相关元素之间的关系图。 FIEL...
编码方式自官方说明得之,链接附此: .lxp与.cal同原理,不赘述。
2.1.4.Calculate Area(计算面积) 这个工具使用地还是比较少的,但是也是可以用来计算面积的。此工具由于前三个工具的存在,使用的很少,在Arcgis Pro中已经删除此工具。与!shape.Area!的计算结果一致,唯一的区别在于重新生成一个数据,添加一个F_AREA计算结果。
($feature.date_)", output_name = "Earthquake_occurence_years") # Visualize the results as a Pandas DataFrame when running Python in a Jupyter Notebook import pandas as pd features = calculate_field_result.layers[0].query() df = pd.DataFrame.from_records(pd.DataFrame(features.value['...
计算字段示例 转载自:GIS荟 版权归原作者所有,如有侵权请告知删除 如果亲觉得我们的文章还不错的话,那就请分享转发一下吧! 地信论坛 ...
forinfcinarcpy.ListFeatureClasses("join*","Polygon"):# 必须进行更新arcpy.CalculateField_management(infc,"area","!shape.area@squarekilometers!","PYTHON_9.3")data=arcpy.da.SearchCursor(infc,["功能区","area"])data=[(i[0],i[1])foriindata]data=pd.DataFrame(data)group=data[1].groupby(dat...
Field field True string Select a field Search parameter parameter True string Enter the search parameter Second Field field2 string Select a field Second search parameter parameter2 string Enter the second search parameter Returns Expand table NamePathTypeDescription Geometry object data object...
Unique ID field idField True string Select an unique ID field in the feature layer Delete records deletedIds string A list or single value of IDs used to identify the deleted items. The IDs provided must match the IDs used in the feature layer. Multiple IDs can be added and separate...