ArcGIS Pro 2.6 是将支持创建地址定位器工具的最后一个版本。在继 ArcGIS Pro 2.6 后的下一主要版本将不再支持使用此工具构建定位器。建议您通过使用创建定位器工具构建定位器来应对这一变化。 使用方法 可在指定的文件夹中创建地址定位器。ArcGIS Pro 要求定位器存储于文件夹中,而不是地理数据库中。 参考数据集...
ArcGIS Pro only supports saving locators in a file folder. Address Locator Code sample CreateCompositeAddressLocator example (Python window) The following Python window script demonstrates how to use the CreateCompositeAddressLocator function in immediate mode. # Create a composite address locator ...
Learn how tocreate an address locatorand more about the components of an address locator in theArcGIS Prohelp. Share address data On a routine schedule, you can publish address data managed inAddress Data Managementin other formats and share this reformatted data with other organizations. Two com...
地理编码的初始处理过程之一便是创建地址定位器。此处理过程的第一步始终是在 ArcMap 的目录窗口、ArcCatalog 或“地理编码工具”工具箱中打开创建地址定位器对话框。地址定位器将存储在工作空间中(例如,地理数据库或文件夹)。但是,为获取最佳做法和更好的地理编码性能,建议将定位器存储于文件夹中而不是地理数据库中...
[Data-specific] ArcGIS Pro 2.5 Cannot Convert Attached Excel Sheet with 'Excel to Table'; Multiple Runtime Errors Returned. The World Geocoder returns a suggestion for an administrative place-name that cannot be found by the findAddressCandidate request that uses the suggestion, if a search ...
Pro 2.4 The Create Locator tool with a Point Address role, bails out on a feature class of roughly 500K address points: MessagesStart Time: Thursday, July 11, 2019 9:58:35 AMStart building locator...Start transforming data...Start processing Point Address role Error happened while tra...
All three Create Locator tools in ArcGIS Pro 3.1.1 cause ArcGIS Navigator 22.1.0 mobile app to crash when a locator is added to a mobile map package (.mmpk) for both iOS and Android devices. Read locks are not released after Network Analyst Solve which can cause BuildNetwork to ...
For example, you may have a geocode service you published from a custom locator in ArcGIS Pro that you want to make available in your organization, or you may need to enforce a specific level of precision when members perform batch geocoding of addresses in a locator view of ArcGIS World Ge...
When I run this tool, I get the error 'name 'locator_AddressLocator_n_' is not defined'. My guess is that this is an issue with the path where the locator is trying to save to? So, I am assuming I have not set the workspace or the scratch workspace? These are just ...
Maintaining side offset, end offset, and custom intersection connectors settings requires a locator created in ArcGIS Pro 2.7 or later with the Street Address role. New at 10.8 The preferredLabelValues parameter allows simple configuration of output fields returned in a response from the geocoding ser...