在图例中,地图中的图层表示为图例项。 图例项包含图面,以显示地图符号和说明文本的示例。 修改图例项属性 展开图例后,可在内容窗格中选择单个图例项进行使用。 在内容窗格中,图例用图例 符号列出,而图例项用图例项 符号列出。 您还可以通过选择多个图例项来同步设置项目的属性。
ArcGIS Pro 3.4| |帮助归档 在图例中,地图中的图层表示为图例项。 图例项包含图面,以显示地图符号和说明文本的示例。 可以在图例中添加、移除和重新排序各个项目以更改其外观。 此外,还可以调整每个图例项的属性,例如文本顺序、图面大小和所用项目的类型。
Add a legendto the layout. Right-click the legend, and clickProperties. In theFormat Legendpane, underLegend Items, clickShow properties. In theFormat Legend Itempane, underShow, check theDescriptionscheck box. The image below shows the label and description of a layer symbology are displayed ...
In ArcGIS Pro, once a legend is added to a layout, the appearance of the layout can be modified. However, changing the color of the legend's background does not automatically fill the entire background. This article provides two workarounds to change the color of the entire bac...
在Legend中填入正确的名称。3、指北针、比例尺菜单中点击Insert,可以看到North Arrow、Scale Bar 和Scale Text,分别指北针、图形表示的比例尺和文字表示的比例尺。单击相应菜单项可以看到各自的符号,选择适当符号双击即可插入。(注意选择Scale Bar的单位,一般为kilometers)插入完后,也可以双击对应的符号,修改其显示方式,...
legendElm.SetName("New Legend");returnnewLayout; });varlayoutPane=await ProApp.Panes.CreateLayoutPaneAsync(newLayout); Once your code is completed, build your project and debug any issues. Start the project, which will launch ArcGIS Pro. ...
4. Open the layout. On theInserttab of the ribbon, clickLegend. Draw a box next to the map to add a legend. I prefer to add legends next to the map because I know I’ll need to click them a lot to edit them. I don’t want to accidentally click things on the map instead. ...
We recently ran into an issue where a layer in our map displays in the map but will not show up in the legend. We opened an Esri support case and they were just as baffled after 2 hours of troubleshooting. Has anyone ever experienced this behavior? W...
ClickFill colorto see the fill color options: Choose a color in the color picker. Create a custom color by the Hex, RGB, or HSV values. UnderSaved, you can apply saved colors. Click or to add or remove a color. ClickDoneto return to the previous pane. ...
I can't seem to find much reference to it online. Is there an option, as there was in ArcMap, to edit the description and have it display in the legend? I can't find it anywhere... arcgis pro adding layout elements layoutprojectitem arcgis pro legend legend description...