您可以选择已添加的特定位置,以在坐标列表中查看其坐标值以及它们在地图上的位置。 选择地图上的坐标 添加坐标后,您可以在地图上单击某个位置,然后查看该位置在坐标列表中突出显示的坐标值。 单击功能区上的地图选项卡。 在查询组中,单击坐标转换 。 在坐标转换窗格中,单击输入坐标文本框旁边的选择点按钮。 单击某...
您可以选择已添加的特定位置,以在坐标列表中查看其坐标值以及它们在地图上的位置。 选择地图上的坐标 添加坐标后,您可以在地图上单击某个位置,然后查看该位置在坐标列表中突出显示的坐标值。 单击功能区上的地图选项卡。 在查询组中,单击坐标转换 。 在坐标转换窗格中,单击输入坐标文本框旁边的选择点按钮。 单击某...
()=>MapView.Active.ClientToMap(pnt));if(mapScreenPoint.IsEmpty) { System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(@"Screen Point is empty"); }else{ _graphic=awaitthis.AddOverlayAsync(mapScreenPoint, _pointSymbol.MakeSymbolReference()); } } }else{//map coordinates_graphic=awaitthis.AddOverlayAsync(geometry...
polygon=None # 用来存储多边形 # 遍历绘制的数据foriindata:# 判断绘制的是点还是多边形ifi['geometry']['type']=='Point':points.append(i['geometry']['coordinates'])# 获取点的坐标print("points",points)ifi['geometry']['type']=='Polygon':polygon=i['geometry']['coordinates'][0]# 获取多边形...
在ArcMap中可以借助Georeferencing工具条的Add Contorl Point来增加控制点的映射关系(源和目标点),通过View Link Table打开Link Table对话框,利用Save工具按钮可以将建立好的Link关系保存成world file文件,或是使用Update Georeferencing菜单来保存Link关系从而生成world file文件。
RemovePoint(0); // modify the coordinates of the last point var ptEx = builderEx.GetPoint(builderEx.PointCount - 1); builderEx.RemovePoint(builderEx.PointCount - 1); var newPtEx = MapPointBuilderEx.CreateMapPoint(ptEx.X + 1.0, ptEx.Y + 2.0); builderEx.AddPoint(newPtEx); Multipoint...
Update Coordinates of an Envelope Multipoint Construct a Multipoint - from an enumeration of MapPoints Construct a Multipoint - using MultipointBuilderEx Modify the points of a Multipoint Retrieve Points, 2D Coordinates, 3D Coordinates from a multipoint Line Segment Construct a LineSegment ...
rowBuffer[facilityIdIndex] = "wMain"; rowBuffer["NAME"] = "Griffith Park"; rowBuffer["OWNTYPE"] = "Municipal"; rowBuffer["FCODE"] = "Park"; // Add it to Public Attractions Subtype. rowBuffer[facilitySiteDefinition.GetSubtypeField()] = 820; List<Coordinate2D> newCoordinates = new ...
In some instances, coordinate values are stored in a single field in tabular data. To add tabular data containing XY coordinates to a map, the source table must contain at least two numeric fields for
Use the pointer to change the location of the tie point. The x and y GCP coordinates will be derived from the NAIP imagery, while the z value will be collected from the workspace DEM. Repeat this process for each of the seven GCP locations. After each GCP has been added and meas...