varselectionfromMap = firstLayer.GetSelection();// 设置一个字典来存储选定要素的图层和对象ID varselectionDictionary = newDictionary<MapMember, List<long>>();selectionDictionary.Add(firstLayer asMapMember, selectionfromMap.GetObjectIDs().ToList());varmoveFeature = newEditOperation();moveFeature.Name ...
selection.Add(oids.ToList());我们以输出运行结果的个数来展示选择集合并效果,运行结果如下:2.2 选择集中移除要素 在【Button1】类中的OnClick()方法中,增加如下代码:await SelectionRemove();//移除选择的行 函数主要代码(完整版代码在工程源代码分享中)为:///加载文件地理数据库 Geodatabase geodata...
function(Map, FeatureLayer, Legend) { //load the layer into an object var lyr_foodanddrinks = new esri.layers.FeatureLayer (“http://localhost:6080/arcgis/rest/services/Belize/MapServer/0”, { outFields: [""] } ); //load another layer into an object var lyr_landbase = new esri.layer...
In theAdd Expressionwindow, create theexpression, and clickADD. Name the result layer, select a destination to save the layer, and clickRUN ANALYSIS. The following sample output shows the new feature layer titled ‘Best Murals Nearest to Schools’ created in ArcGIS Online Map Viewer based on t...
Table View; Raster Layer schema_type (可选) 指定输入数据集的方案(字段定义)是否必须与目标数据集的方案相匹配才能追加数据。 TEST—输入数据集的方案(字段定义)必须与目标数据集的方案相匹配。如果方案不匹配,将返回错误。 NO_TEST—输入数据集方案(字段定义)不必与目标数据集的方案相匹配。如果输入数据集的任何...
连接仅在图层持续时间内有效。要保存图层,可通过保存ArcGIS Pro会话或使用将图层保存至文件工具将其保存到图层文件。 在生成的输入表中,字段将以输入的名称和句点 (.) 为前缀,默认情况下,连接表中的所有字段都将以连接表名称加上句点作为前缀。 例如,将带有A和B字段的 landuse 连接到带有C和D字段的 lookup_tab...
summary>///<remarks>///1. In Visual studio rebuild the solution.///1. Debug the add-in by clicking the "Start" button.///1. ArcGIS Pro opens, select a new Map project///1. Zoom the new map into your local neighborhood, because the newly created features will be in close ...
The image below shows the new feature layer, Contour_Elevationmorethan300m is created from the selected features and displayed on the ArcGIS Pro map. Use the Feature Class To Feature Class tool Note: The Feature Class to Feature Class tool was deprecated at ArcGIS Pro 3.2. Use the Expo...
ArcGIS Pro二次开发添加网络图层 protected override void OnClick() { AddLayerToMap(); } private async Task AddLayerToMap() { try { // Get the first map called "Map" from the current project. Map myMap = null; myMap = await GetMapFromProject(Project.Current, "Map"); ...
To display three new data layers (also known as operational layers) on top of the current basemap, you will create ServiceFeatureTables using URLs to reference datasets hosted in ArcGIS Online.Open a browser and navigate to the URL for Parks and Open Spaces to view metadata about the layer....