Set a static custom extent To set the map to a custom extent based on specific coordinate values or a subset of features, follow these steps: In a map or scene view, right-click the name of the map or scene in theContentspane and clickPropertiesto open theMap Propertiesdialog box. ...
②使用Map.setExtent()方法设置extent function init() {myMap = new Map("mapDiv");var startExtent = new Extent(-95.271, 38.933, -95.228, 38.976,new SpatialReference({ wkid:4326 }) );myMap.setExtent(startExtent);var mapServiceURL = "
Access ArcGIS Online through user types Go to ArcGIS Online pricing Do you need a self-hosted environment? Go to ArcGIS Enterprise pricing Talk to someone on our sales team 1-800-447-9778 7:00 a.m.–5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday (PT) ...
View the background color by zooming out to the map's full extent. Save the map. Preserve the map scale You may want a map to open at a specific scale regardless of the device or screen size. For example, if the map has multiple layers with predefined visible ranges, you can set ...
var mapServiceURL = ""; myMap.addLayer(new ArcGISTiledMapServiceLayer(mapServiceURL)); } ②使用Map.setExtent()方法设置extent function init() { myMap = new Map("mapDiv"); ...
该函数创建map,设置myService2的extent,然后将两个map服务添加到map中。初始map的extent使用map服务定义的Layer.fullExtent属性,如果要使用初始extent,可以使用Layer.initialExtent。 function initLayers() { var primaryMapServiceURL = "
varmaxExtent:Envelope? The extent that constrains the display to a specific region. The max extent is initialized when the map loads or when you set it explicitly. This value limits panning in thecom.arcgismaps.mapping.view.MapViewto a specific area of the map. ...
var mapServiceURL = ""; myMap.addLayer(new ArcGISTiledMapServiceLayer(mapServiceURL)); } ②使用Map.setExtent()方法设置extent function init() { myMap = new Map("mapDiv"); ...
②使用Map.setExtent()方法设置extent function init() { myMap = new Map("mapDiv"); var startExtent = new Extent(-95.271, 38.933, -95.228, 38.976, new SpatialReference({ wkid:4326 }) ); myMap.setExtent(startExtent); var mapServiceURL = "
To define a map area, click Create thumbnail from map, choose a basemap, and set the map's extent by searching for a location or zooming in or out. Click Save. Specify terms of use Provide information about how the item can be used and by whom. For example, you might have a use ...