之前写过一篇关于arcgis api 4叠加图片图层的文章,效果不太好,三维视图模式下不行;然后前段时间,我的简书GIS专题有个网友投稿一篇文章:扩展ArcGIS JS API中的MapImageLayer支持图片图层加载,我感觉那篇文章作者写的特别好,所以这里分享一下他的成果,他也有把成果共享到github,不过那个核心叠加图片的图层js文件是没...
"http://sampleserver6.arcgisonline.com/arcgis/rest/services/Water_Network/MapServer" auto* layer = new ArcGISMapImageLayer(serviceUrl, this); For samples, see: ArcGIS map image layer (URL) Change sublayer visibility Relevant samples: Analyze hotspots: Use a geoprocessing service and a set of...
Toggle sublayer visibility Set definition expressions on sublayers Set renderers on sublayers Label sublayer features Create dynamic map layers Dynamic data layer with table join Dynamic data layer with query table MapImageLayer - Explore data from a dynamic workspace Dynamic data layer with raster ...
"http://sampleserver6.arcgisonline.com/arcgis/rest/services/SampleWorldCities/MapServer"; mainMapView = (MapView) findViewById(R.id.mainMapView); ArcGISMap mainArcGISMap = new ArcGISMap(Basemap.Type.TOPOGRAPHIC, 48.354406, -99.998267, 2); mainMapImageLayer = new ArcGISMapImageLayer(mainArcGIS...
扩展arcgisjsapi中的mapimagelayer支持图片图层加载我感觉那篇文章作者写的特别好所以这里分享一下他的成果他也有把成果共享到github不过那个核心叠加图片的图层js文件是没开源的压缩混淆的不过能直接引用就行 arcgisapi4.xforjs扩展MapImageLayer支持图片图层加载 前言 关于本篇功能实现用到的 api 涉及类看不懂的,请...
arcgis for JavaScript MapImageLayer 坐标系转换 1、动态投影(ArcMap) 所谓动态投影指,ArcMap中的Data 的空间参考或是说坐标系统是默认为第一加载到当前工作区的那个文件的坐标系统,后加入的数据,如果和当前工作区坐标系统不相同,则ArcMap会自动做投影变换,把后加入的数据投影变换到当前坐标系统下显示!但此时数据...
a map, you can view the layer's organization in the source map, but this order can't be changed. For example, you cannot insert a layer into the composite layer or divide the map image layer into its constituent sublayers. If the service includes a table, you cannot remove the table....
Tile layer Vector tile layer *Scene Viewerdoesn't support all theimage rendering propertiesset inMap Viewer. **Scene Viewerdoesn't support all the capabilities of this layer. SeeScene Viewerlayer supportfor information aboutArcGIS EnterpriseandArcGIS Onlinelayer availability inScene Viewer. ...
esri:MapImageLayer> </fx:Declarations> <esri:Map id="map" logoVisible="false" openHandCursorVisible="false" scaleBarVisible="false" zoomSliderVisible="false" load="loadHandler()"> <arcgis:GoogleMapLayer/> <esri:GraphicsLayer symbol="{citySymbol}"> <esri:Graphic symbol=...
{ //basemap: 'osm' }); var view = new MapView({ container: "viewDiv", map: map, }); let layer = new MapImageLayer({ url: "https://sampleserver6.arcgisonline.com/arcgis/rest/services/Census/MapServer" }); map.add(layer); }); </script> </head> <body class="calcite"> <...