Manage hosted layers Hosted layer management Manage hosted feature layers Manage hosted feature layer editing Manage feature templates Edit a hosted feature layer view definition Swap the source of a hosted feature layer view Manage hosted tile layers Manage hosted scene layers Manage hosted imagery laye...
Follow these steps to allow others to export from a hosted feature layer or hosted feature layer view when they access the layer inArcGIS Online: Sign in to the organization as the owner of the hosted feature layer or as an administrator. ...
Publish the feature class and the related table to ArcGIS Online as a hosted feature layer. Refer toArcMap: Publish a map service from ArcMapfor steps to do this. Open the hosted feature layer in ArcGIS Online Map Viewer, and join the related table with the feature layer. ...
A joined hosted feature layer view uses combined data from two different sublayers. These sublayers can be from the same or different hosted feature layers or table layers based on a relationship between nonspatial attributes in each layer. Joined views are useful for dynamically updating ...
动态地图服务主要用于地图的展示,其还有一个不足,即它不允许用户与地图的子图层进行交互,不能遍历得到每个图层,也不能查询图层。这里使用要素图层(Feature Layer)来代替它。 Feature Layer可以访问每个空间要素及其属性,可以将其看成是ArcMap中的要素类(Feature Class),它可以接受用户的查询. ...
Text = pFeature.get_Value(index).To\String()};pEle = pTextElment as IElement;pEle.Geometry = pPoint;//添加标注pGraContainer.AddElement(pEle, 0);pFeature = pFeatCur.NextFeature();}(axMapControl.Map as IActiveView).PartialRefresh(esriViewDrawPhase.esriViewGraphics, null, axMapControl.Extent...
FAQ: Does ArcGIS Online support joins and relates? One more thread: this walks through how to properly share the related table in Pro: ...but not having desktop might pose as a problem....
ArcGIS地图要素图层(Feature Layer)发布及调用 关键词:ArcGIS,ArcGIS Server,SQL, PostgreSQL 动态地图服务主要用于地图的展示,其还有一个不足,即它不允许用户与地图的子图层进行交互,不能遍历得到每个图层,也不能查询图层。这里使用要素图层(Feature Layer)来代替它。
Create a function to add a feature layer A feature layer can be added from afeature servicehosted inArcGIS Online. Each feature layer containsfeatureswith a singlegeometrytype (point,line, orpolygon), and a set ofattributes. Once added to the map, feature layers can be symbolized, styled, ...
Get geometry from feature layer - Get data from feature layer - Create feature layer Publish hosted feature layersAuthenticationBoth Microsoft and Esri have strict security requirements for maintaining and refreshing account information. To remain logged in, a flow should run at least once within the...