用于将Map保存至地图文件 (.mapx) 的字符串。 String 如果您希望将地图保存至地图文件,以供日后使用ArcGISProjectimportDocument方法将其导入到工程中,则此方法将非常有用。 getDefinition (cim_version) 参数说明数据类型 cim_version A string that represents the major version of the CIM. ...
文章目录如下:【干货】ArcGIS教程:37个Arcmap技巧总结(建议收藏) 向下滑动查看 1. 要素的剪切与延伸 实用工具 TASK 任务栏 Extend/Trim feature 剪切所得内容与你画线的方向有关。 2. 自动捕捉跟踪工具 点击Ed…
An ArcGISMap contains layers of mapping data as well as other information which define the maps capabilities (e.g. basemaps, popups, renderers, labels etc...). A map can be visualized in a MapView and can also be used on its own to access the data. In an MVC architecture, an Ar...
在描述关系时,ArcMap、ArcScene 和 ArcGlobe 选择菜单中的按位置选择对话框所使用的术语并非与地理处理工具完全一致。下表包含相关的术语对照。 地理处理工具选择\按位置选择 INTERSECT 目标图层要素与源图层要素相交。 INTERSECT_3D 目标图层要素与源图层要素相交 (3d)。 WITHIN_A_DISTANCE_GEODESIC 该选项不可用。
Get facts about a location or area. Using the GeoEnrichment service, you can get information about the people, places, and businesses in a specific area or within a certain distance or drive time from a location. Geoenrichment [DEPRECATED] This action has been deprecated. Please use Geoenric...
Create a map withMap ViewerorArcGIS Pro You can create a map for data collection inMap ViewerorArcGIS Proand share it for use inField Maps. If you haven't created a web map usingMap ViewerorArcGIS Pro, see one of the following resources: ...
FILE/EXPORT MAP 然后选择相应的图片格式,此时也可设置答应的分辨率 pdi 13. 建立注记层 方法一.carvert to Ananotation ,方法二.Draw工具条 方法三.从其他地方转换注记图层 14. 查看特定区域范围内的某种地物分布情况 Selection / select by location
To place geographic content within an Unreal Engine level, you must specify where the0, 0, 0origin coordinate of the game engine space is in the real-world coordinate space. You do this when you create anArcGIS Map. You can specify an origin position anywhere within a spatial reference's ...
Three units of measurement are commonly referenced when working within a map or scene to display the most accurate rendering of units: map units, display units and location units. Map and display units are configured using the Map Properties dialog box and are described in more detail bel...
Used when calling a map or MMPK that is shared publicly and does not require signing in to access, or when signing in to a portal onField Mapsthat allows anonymous access RequiresitemIDwhen calling a publicly shared map. Value is a Boolean,trueorfalse. ...