确保3D 效果 工具条处于显示状态,然后才能使用交互式滑块在 ArcGlobe 或 ArcScene 中应用图层透明度。如有必要,单击自定义菜单,指向工具条,然后单击该工具条名称进行添加。 在3D 效果 工具条上,单击图层下拉箭头,然后选择要调整透明度的图层。 单击图层透明度按钮,然后通过移动滑块设置相应值。 移动滑块时会显示出...
Layer opacity Opacity of features in layers Visibility of layers By default, the very bottom layer in a map is drawn on a transparent background. You can change the MapView's background color. Possible Values:"average" |"color-burn" |"color-dodge" |"color" |"darken" |"destination-atop...
Uncheck all the layers that you do not want to display with the custom indicator. Optionally, for existing and future buildings, make the layers transparent when they are visible with the custom indicator. ClickOKto close theIndicator settingsdialog box. Feedback on this topic?
DimensionLayer ElevationLayer FeatureLayer GeoJSONLayer GeoRSSLayer GraphicsLayer GroupLayer ImageryLayer ImageryTileLayer IntegratedMesh3DTilesLayer IntegratedMeshLayer KMLLayer KnowledgeGraphLayer Layer LineOfSightLayer LinkChartLayer MapImageLayer MapNotesLayer MediaLayer OGCFeatureLayer OpenStreetMapLayer Oriented...
先用arcgis externalRenderers封装了一个ExternalRendererLayer,在里面把arcgis和threejs的context关联,然后再写个子类继承它,这部分类容在上一个帖子里面有讲过。 子类FlashLayer继承它,并在里面封装了一个excute方法用来执行闪烁,参数包括point和height。先构建一个管道CatmullRomCurve3,在构建环RingGeometry,然后在update...
先用arcgis externalRenderers封装了一个ExternalRendererLayer,在里面把arcgis和threejs的context关联,然后再写个子类继承它,这部分类容在上一个帖子里面有讲过。 子类AreaLayer继承它,并在里面实现绘制流光边界线的方法,我这里其实就是绘制城市区域的边界线。尝试过直线LineCurve3,三维二次贝塞尔曲线QuadraticBezierCurve3...
If you are working with a hosted layer as most layers in WorldMap are, you can also make your layer available as a "map service" to be used in other mapping systems. Click "Publish" on the layer details page and select the map service type: Tile layer, Vector Tile layer, WFS, or ...
On the ribbon, three tabs are outlined in white. These are contextual tabs—they appear whenArcGIS Prois in a state to make use of them. For example, when a feature layer is selected in theContentspane of a map, theFeature Layer,Labeling, andDatatabs appear. ...
To make the background color transparent, check off the check box in the map image layer'sDisplaysettings. Set layer transparency Adding transparency allows you to see map features under the layer. This adds information to the map and can add depth to your cartography. You can only add trans...
you can start a tour by uploading multiple images at once; each image will populate your tour with one point. Or, you can start a tour by linking it to an ArcGIS Online feature layer with point data and using the relevant attribute fields to automatically fill in the title, description, ...