通过这个选项,我们即可开始指定遥感影像中所具有的地物类型,并手动绘制不同地物分类的ROI矢量文件。首先,我们可以在右侧的“Image Classification”一栏中,选择如下的“Create New Schema”选项,新建一个分类合集(Schema)。这个Schema说白了,就是用来指定遥感影像中,都有哪些地物类型的。 此外,大家也可以不新建Schema,而...
首先,在ArcMap软件上方菜单栏中,我们选择“Customize”→“Toolbars”→“Image Classification”选项。 随后,即可弹出遥感影像分类工具栏。为了方便,我们可以将其拖动至ArcMap软件上方菜单栏中,如下图所示。 随后,打开需要进行分类的栅格遥感影像图层。这里需要注意,如果打开栅格图层后,遥感影像分...
启用ArcGIS Spatial Analyst 扩展模块 后,可添加影像分类工具条,然后开始使用它提供的工具处理数据。 单击ArcMap 中的自定义菜单。 单击工具条 > 影像分类。 此工具条即会添加到 ArcMap 中。 相关主题 影像分类工具条概述 什么是影像分类? ArcGIS Desktop 主页 ArcGIS Pro ArcMap 文档 支持 ArcGIS ArcGI...
Image classification refers to the task of assigning classes to all the pixels in a remotely sensed image.
Analysis Image Service generated from ClassifyImagery Layer by portaladmin Last Modified: November 19, 2019 0 comments, 0 views Now let's visualize the classification result and compare it with the original Landsat image. map2 = gis.map('Iowa')# shows the Landsat layermap2 ...
影像分类工具条简单易用,便于用户创建监督分类中使用的训练样本和特征文件。该工具条同时也是执行监督分类和非监督分类的集中位置。使用此工具条上的工具需要ArcGIS Spatial Analyst 扩展模块许可。 下图显示工具条: 工具条中包含用于创建训练样本和特征文件的交互式工具。Spatial Analyst 工具箱的“多元分析”工...
The Classification Wizard is found in the Image Classification group on the Imagery tab. Select the raster dataset to classify in the Contents pane to display the Imagery tab, and be sure you are working in a 2D map. The Classification Wizard is disabled if the active map is a 3D scene,...
Classification settings, such as area of influence, method, classes, the ability to exclude specific null values, size range, and other settings may also be visible on this tab, depending on your data and theme. For more information about the different data classification types, visit the ...
Updates to organization type and data paths in Land Cover Classification using Satellite Imagery and Deep Learning Land cover classification using sparse training data Updates no data explanations Removes data mapping Increase image resolution using [SuperResolution](https://developers.arcgis.com/python/...
Create an image service layer with a new colorizer definition Update the sort order - mosaic method on an image service layer Update the resolve overlap - mosaic operator on an image service layer Working with Standalone Tables Create a StandaloneTable Retrieve a table from its container ...