The spatial reference can be specified as a well-known ID. If the out_sr is not specified, it will use the spatial reference of the image service. Returns: A dictionary with the image tile cache scheme information. # Example Usage: Compute the cache info for a given spatial reference. ...
Note: In the absence of arcpy, the ArcGIS API for Python looks for a shapely geometry engine. To allow for a seamless experience, both Shapely and Fiona packages must be present in your current conda environment. If these packages are not installed, you may install them using conda as follo...
组织ArcGIS Pro界面,轻松查看地图、ambulances 图层属性表和Python窗口。 界面的组织方式的确是偏好问题,但通常情况下,地图和表位于顶部,Python窗口位于下方。 在Python窗口的提示部分键入以下代码,然后按Enter键:"ambulances") 当按下Enter键时,将运行代码,并且 POINT_X 和 POINT_Y 字段将添...
A suitable Python reference book is recommended to augment the ArcPy-focused information included here. There are many books on Python and its uses, with new ones released regularly, so explore what is available. The Python website has full documentation for Python, but it is concise and develo... 感觉有点鸡肋。。主要是安装复杂。。ArcGIS Pro网上资源好少 还是用ArcPy吧 例子: 链接:
# Reference a project, map, and layer using arcpy.mpp ='current') m = p.listMaps('Map')[0] lyr = m.listLayers('GreatLakes')[0]# Get the layer's CIM definitioncim_lyr = lyr.getDefinition('V2')# Make changes to field propertiesforfdincim_lyr.featureTable....
ArcGIS API for Python is a Python library for working with maps and geospatial data, powered by web GIS. It provides simple and efficient tools for deep learning, sophisticated vector and raster analysis, geocoding, map making, routing and directions, as well as for organizing and managing a ...
ArcGIS API for Python示例 可通过ArcGIS API for Python获取追加数据工具。 本示例可将大西洋地震的大数据文件共享追加到地震的要素图层。 # Import the required ArcGIS API for Python modulesimportarcgisfromarcgis.gisimportGISfromarcgis.geoanalyticsimportmanage_data# Connect to your ArcGIS Enterprise portal and...
Visit the ArcGIS tutorials website for lessons using the analysis tools. If you're a developer, you can access these tools through Spatial Analysis Service REST API and ArcGIS API for Python. Note: This topic describes analysis tools available to users with privileges to perform analysis. For...
集水区工具在Raster Analysis工具箱中受支持。 集水区也可作为栅格函数使用。 ArcGIS Enterprise开发人员资源 如果您正在使用ArcGIS REST API,则请使用Watershed任务。 如果您正在使用ArcGIS API for Python,则请使用来自arcgis.raster.functions.gbl模块的watershed。 有关此主题的反馈?