要素转栅格 (FeatureToRaster) 示例 2(独立脚本) 将要素转换为栅格数据集。 # Name: FeatureToRaster_Ex_02.py # Description: Converts features to a raster dataset. # Import system modules import arcpy from arcpy import env # Set environment settings env.workspace = "C:/data" # Set local varia...
If more control is needed over how different types of input feature geometries are to be converted, refer to the respective specific conversion tools: Point to Raster, Polyline to Raster, and Polygon to Raster. This tool is a complement to the Raster to Point, Raster to Polyline, and Raster...
工具箱路径是Conversion Tools-- To Raster--polygon to Raster,如下图所示。 展开Conversion Tools 工具箱,打开To Raster 工具集,双击 Feature to Raster打开 Feature to Raster对话框。 在Input features 文本框中选择输入需要转换的矢量数据。 在Field窗口选择数据转换时所依据的属性值。 在Output raster 文本框键...
菜单Geoprocessing->ArcToolbox->Conversion Tools->To Raster->Feature to Raster.
2.“转为栅格”工具集(to raster) 这个里面是从矢量转栅格的工具集。 这个工具集里面我觉得比较常用有4个:要素转栅格、点转栅格、线转栅格以及面转栅格。同样,工具的使用我放在视频里,代码如下: #Python window#要素转栅格importarcpyfromarcpyimportenvenv.workspace="c:/data"arcpy.FeatureToRaster_conversion("...
|Raster to ASCII |栅格转ASCII| |Raster to Float |栅格转浮点型| |Raster to Point |栅格转点| |Raster to Polygon |栅格转面| |Raster to Polyline | 栅格转线| |Raster To Video |栅格转视频| From WFS(由WPS转出)From WFS(由WPS转出)|WFS To Feature Class |wPs转至要素类| JSON(JSON)JSON(...
Output raster Point feature to raster data When you convert points, cells are usually given the value of the points found within each cell. Cells that do not contain a point are given the value of NoData. If more than one point is found in a cell, the cell is given the value of the...
Choose feature layer to convert The input feature to convert to a raster dataset. Choose field Choose the field that will be used to assign values to the output raster. Output cell size The cell size and unit for the output rasters. ...
要素之间的转换包括点线面要素类型之间的相互转换,工具位于:ArcToolbox-->数据管理工具-->要素(ArcToolbox-->DataManagerment Tolls-->Raster)下。 点线面要素类型之间的相互转换 面转线:polygon to line是把面的轮廓线转换为一个线对象。 面转点:feature topoint是只把面对象的中心点转换为点要素。
https://<root>/<serviceName>/RasterAnalysisTools/GPServer/ConvertFeatureToRaster Methods: GET Version Introduced: 10.5 Description The ConvertFeatureToRaster task converts a point, line, or polygon feature dataset to a raster. Request parameters ParameterDetails inputFeature (Required) The feature lay...