This article shows how feature classes are created within a feature dataset and how to create empty feature classes, into which features can be loaded or created. The decision to create a feature class either in a feature dataset or as a stand-alone feature class depends on the purpose of ...
Feature FeatureClass FeatureClassDefinition FeatureDataset Overview Members Methods Properties FeatureDatasetDefinition Field FieldGroup FieldValue FileGeodatabaseConnectionPath FileSystemConnectionPath FileSystemDatastore Geodatabase HistoricalVersion HistoricalVersionDescription Index InsertCursor Join JoinDescription ...
*/ if(!this.m_isSnapWorking) { //捕捉代理已经被用户关闭了。不会有任何捕捉动作发生 return false; } if(m_featureClass==null) { //没有目标图层。不能做捕捉动作。此时应该报错 //但是目前只是返回false。 return false; } FillCache(snapPoint,tolerance*10); //当前被测试的Feature IFeature featur...
The ArcGIS Enterprise Software Development Kit (SDK) allows developers to extend the functionality of ArcGIS Server map services published via ArcGIS Pro.
Connect to a feature layer in ArcGIS and pull its data and attributes into your existing dataset or create a new one. This data can be used to create new maps in all ArcGIS for Microsoft 365 products. Get geometry from feature layer [DEPRECATED] Get geometry or boundary information from ...
(要素对象)AddLayer(featureClass);//将要素对象挂载在要素图层上,并显示在地图上}elseif(dataset_Parent.Type==esriDatasetType.esriDTFeatureDataset)//要素集{string parentName=dataset_Parent.Name;listBoxSource.Add(parentName+"-要素集-parent");IFeatureDataset featureDataset_workspace=dataset_Parentas...
3、将 Iterate Feature Classes 的输出变量 Output Feature Class 连接到 Collect Values 工具,以便迭代和收集工作空间中各点要素类的路径。 4、将输入工作空间变量和 Collect Values 工具的输出变为模型参数。将输入工作空间变量重命名为 Input Dataset 以确保该变量名称是相关名称且易于理解。
在Catalog 目录树中,右键单击要在其中创建新注记要素类的要素数据集。 指向新建>要素类。 输入名称。 也可以输入别名。 单击类型下拉箭头,然后单击注记要素。 单击下一步。 单击参考比例尺下拉箭头,然后选择一个比例尺,或者输入比例尺值。 该比例尺应等于注记正常显示时的比例尺。
Afeature layeris a dataset in afeature servicehosted inArcGIS. Each feature layer containsfeatureswith a singlegeometrytype (point,line, orpolygon), and a set ofattributes. You can use feature layers to store, access, and manage large amounts of geographic data for your applications. ...
upsert= True will not truncate the feature service, requires a field with unique values uniqueField= Field that contains unique values Note:For this script to work, the field names in the feature class must match the field names in the hosted feature service. The hosted feature service c...