Configure the Export Features window as follows: For Input Features, the feature layer is automatically selected. For Output Location, select the location of the output feature layer. In this example, it is Symbology.gdb. For Output Name, specify a name for the exported shapefile. In this ex...
in order to export features to individual feature classes based on all the unique attributes in a field, the workflow needs to be repeated using different SQL expressions. For example, to export features to individual feature
You can use the Make Layer From Selected Features tool on subtype group layers. System administrators who manage application settings can now set default map and scene options. These include settings for basemaps, spatial reference, layer visibility, geographic transformation warnings, label engine, el...
将coverage的polygon转为面的 shp文件在 arc catalog 中,右击该 polygon exportto shapefile (single)C-H.L1H5T | hr«n» | X3*l.|<1E J it tn-J 呵文样 事口心 而 _i F«rd 口If PmA 16、 tF!祐生di pH-叫沁&1S tit Frfho- ih z3血政呼y卿R» 血I rsrol. xli R TT砂 4...
Exported workspace, data, schema, or propertyCopy --PasteGenerate Schema ReportExport XML Workspace DocumentFeature Class To Geodatabase Export FeaturesExport to CADFeature Class To Shapefile Geodatabase Feature dataset Feature class (geometry) Subset of features * * * Feature attributes Spatial refer...
19、 选择方式:select features from- 从图层中选择要素;add to the currently selected features in 添加至U当前选择集; remove from the currently selected features in 从当前选择集中移除; select from the currently selected features -n 从当前选择集中选择。 “输入图层” (in put layer) 操作类型(对照联...
ArcGIS 从入门到精通基础教程_部分3 11. 在模型中右击respark_flood元素,单击Add To Display。12. 在内容表中,关掉除respark_flood外的所有图层。至此,用户已经按照该市的要求,运用一系列缓冲区分析和叠加分析,确定了废水处理厂的允许建厂区和不允许建厂区。现在用户已经了解了如何运用分析工具进行包括一系列单独...
The newE00entry has been added to the default list in the example below: <features> <feature key="File Geodatabase - GDB - .gdb" alias="gdb" resKey=""/> <feature key="Shapefile - SHP - .shp" alias="shp" resKey=""/> <feature...
如果在第一步中单击To Geodatabase(multiple),可以实现多个Shapefile 一次导入到目标数据库或数据库中的一个数据集中。(2)导入Coverage 1) 在 ArcCatalog 树中,右键单击想导入到地理数据库的 Coverage,单击 Export,单击 To Geodatabase(single),如图 3.37 所示。 2) 打开 Feature Class To Feature Class 对话框,...