1.概念 1)developer dashboard:The developer dashboard is the ArcGIS Developers administration website used to manage API keys, monitor service usage, create and manage layers, API downloads, applications, and manage an ArcGIS account.(开发者仪表板是ArcGIS开发者管理网站,用于管理API密钥,监控服务使用,...
When editing a web map in ArcGIS Online Map Viewer, it is useful to create a new feature layer based on feature selections, instead of creating a new layer and adding desired features in it. This article explains how to select features based on the desired attributes or spatial queries using...
本文簡要介紹 python 語言中 arcgis.mapping.MapImageLayer.create_dynamic_layer 的用法。 用法: create_dynamic_layer(layer) 返回: FeatureLayer 或無(如果未啟用) create_dynamic_layer 方法創建一個動態層。動態圖層/表格表示由ArcGIS 服務器發布的Map服務或已注冊工作空間的單個圖層/表格。僅當Map圖像圖層支持...
在指定名称和类型下,删除 Layer_1 并键入海滩清理。 从菜单中选择点图层。 要素图层可以具有多个子图层,但是只需将一个点图层用于海滩清理地图。 单击下一步。 对于标题,添加您的姓名或首字母缩写(例如海滩清理+您的姓名)。 注: 不能在 ArcGIS 组织中创建同名的两个图层。 可通过向图层名称添加您的姓名首字母...
在bou2_4p图层上右击选择Selection->Create Layer From Selected Features。将选中的要素创建一个新的图层。 停止编辑,在刚刚产生的图层上右击选择Data->Export Data…,将选择的要素导出,命名为“南海诸岛及其它岛屿.shp”。 接下来我们就可以删掉面积小的岛屿了。继续进入编辑状态,打开bou2_4p的属性表,打开Select by...
A scene layer can display the following data types: 3D object, point, integrated mesh, point cloud, building, or voxel. You can share scene layers within your organization and with the public. Layer maintenance Before you create 3D layers, consider how often you will need to update the ...
Features within the layer also contain data attributes that provide additional information, which may be viewed in popup windows and used for rendering the layer. To create a layer you must use one of the subclasses of Layer or call the Layer.fromPortalItem() method. A few examples of ...
Create a layer from a template You can use a layer template to add a new, editable layer to the active map. A layer template is a schema-only layer package; it defines the symbology and other display properties for the layer and the schema for the underlying dataset. When you add new ...
}//添加图层publicvoidAddLayer(IFeatureClass featureClass){IFeatureLayer featureLayer=newFeatureLayerClass();featureLayer.Name=featureClass.AliasName;featureLayer.FeatureClass=featureClass; ILayerEffects layerEffects=featureLayerasILayerEffects;layerEffects.Transparency=1;//透明度设置 ...
arcpy.mp.CreateExportOptions 函数用于为 BookmarkMapSeries、MapSeries 和Report 类创建额外的可选导出设置。 返回两个新类之一:MapSeriesExportOptions 或ReportExportOptions。 lowerBound 属性已添加到 GraduatedColorsRenderer、GraduatedSymbolsRenderer 和RasterClassifyColorizer 类。 以下方法已添加到 Layer 和Table 类...