|Bearing Distance To Line|原点夹角距离定义线| |Check Geometry|检查几何| |Copy Features|复制要素| |Delete Features|删除要素| |Dice|切分| |Feature Envelope To Polygon|要素包络矩形转面| |Feature To Line|要素转线| |Feature To Point|要素转面| |Feature Vertices To Points|要素折点转点| |Minimum ...
This command differs from the Arc/INFO Build command (polygon option) in that only one polygon can be built in a single operation. Also, no intersecting or cleaning is done, so the user must do the equivalent preparatory work (if necessary) prior to using the command in order to get the...
Set LAS Class Codes Using Features || 地形、地势数据集 | Terrain Dataset || 向Terrain添加要素类 | Add Feature Class to Terrain || 添加Terrain金字塔字段 | Add Terrain Pyramid Level || 追加Terrain点 | Append Terrain Points || 构建Terrain | Establish Terrain || 更改Terrain参考比例 | Change ...
terchange File 从 In terchange 文件导入Import From S57Import From SETSImort From VPFData Management从S57导入从SETS导入从VPF导入数据管理Aggregate集合Append追加Composite Features 耍 索合成Line Coverage To Region 线 Coverage 到区域Line Coverage To Route 线 Coverage 到路径Polygon Coverage To Region 篡边...
AssignDefaultToField设置缺省到字段 Calculate FieldDeleteField General Copy Delete Rename SelectData 追加 Generalization 计算字段 删除字段 普通 复制 删除 重命名 选择数据 追加 普通 AggregatePolygons会萃多边形 CollapseDual Lines To Centerline分解双线到中心线 DissolveEliminateSmoothLine Simplify Building 融合 消除...
The origin is outside the geometry (not within or touching the geometry)—The size and location of the geometry will change, but the geometry will maintain relative positions to other geometries scaled in the same way. Positions will expand away from or contract toward the origin point. ...
Hard and soft qualifiers for line and polygon feature types are used to indicate whether a distinct break in slope occurs on the surface at their location.A hard line is a distinct break in slope, while a soft line will be represented on the surface as a more gradual change in...
Change theHorizontal in polygonsetting toStraight in polygon. On the map, the labels are oriented to the longest axis of their features. They now fit better within their features. Uncheck theMay place label outside polygon boundarycheck box. ...
There is currently no way to change the tileMaxRecordCount parameter when publishing the service or through updating the service definition at REST. However, the maxRecordCountFactor can be changed through updating the service definition. To update the service definition, browse to the Admin ...
Change Privileges 改变权限 Copy Rows 复制行 Delete Rows 删除行 Get Count 获得数目 Pivot Table 关联表 创建表 创建表 Topology 拓扑 Add Feature Class To Topology 添加要素类型到拓扑 Add Rule To Topology 添加规则到拓扑 Create Topology 创建拓扑 Remove Feature Class From Topology 从拓扑删除要素类 Remove...