面转点 Feature To Point (二)面——线转面、线转点 线转面 Feature To Polygon 线转点Feature To Point (二)点——点转面、点转线 点转面 Feature To Polygon 点转线Feature To Line 、Points To Line 面或者线转化为点后没有坐标 用Add XY coordinates可以为点添加坐标。 此外 Feature Vertices To Po...
Data Management Tools\Features\Add XY Coordinates工具,为点数据计算x、y坐标值,结果会在属性表中生成POINT_X和POINT_Y两个字段。 3.2 SQL语句查询坐标值相同的点 在select by attributes窗口里输入:[OBJECTID] not in (select max(OBJECTID) from 图层名 group by point_x,point_y)。选中的要素删掉即可。
Point events such as anomalies can be represented as a single point event, with the measure information along the route. The Add Point Events widget allows you to create new point events by typing or selecting its x- and y-coordinates on the map. 注: If the coordinate location...
If points are moved after usingAdd XY Coordinates, theirPOINT_XandPOINT_Yvalues, andPOINT_ZandPOINT_Mvalues—if present—must be recomputed by runningAdd XY Coordinatesagain. TheProjecttool does not modify the values ofPOINT_X,POINT_Y,POINT_Z, orPOINT_Mfields. ...
1、analysis tool: 分析工具extract 提取clip 剪切 select 选择split 拆分 table select 表选择 overlay叠加分析erase 擦除 identity 查看 intersect 相交 symmetrical difference 对称差union 联合update 更新proximity 邻域分析 buffer 缓冲区multiple ring buffer 多环缓 冲区 near 临近 point distance 点距离 statistics...
摘要:两种情况供参考: 如果是Point的数据层,则展开ArcTool Box里面的Data Management Tool下面的Features工具集,使用Add XY Coordinates工具,则可在点状数据的属性表里添加了XY两列坐标;然后把该属性表导出即可; 如果是Line或者Polygon的数据层,展开ArcTool Box里面的Data Management Tool下面的Features...阅读全文 ...
在位置参考选项卡的事件组中,单击添加> 多个点事件 。 随即显示添加多个点事件窗格。 单击方法下拉箭头,然后选择“坐标”。 单击下一步。 坐标选项将显示在添加多个点事件窗格中。 单击网络下拉箭头并选择一个网络。 网络值必须是已发布的 LRS 网络图层。 在坐标部分中,通过执行以下操作之一指定新的事件测量值将基...
{ let temp = {}; let mapPoint = { x: item[0], y: item[1], spatialReference: view.spatialReference }; let screenPoint = view.toScreen(mapPoint);//地理坐标转屏幕坐标 temp.geometry = { type: 'Point', coordinates: [screenPoint.x, screenPoint.y] } temp.count = item[2]; return ...
Point File Information点文件信息 (3)From LAS Dataset(从LAS数据集转出) LAS Dataset To TIN LAS数据集转TIN (4)From Raster(由栅格转出)Raster Domain栅格范围 Raster To Multipoint栅格转多点 Raster To TIN栅格转TIN (5)From Terrain(由Terrain转出) Terrain To Points Terrain到点 Terrain To Raster ...
Create a lazy top-level property named pointGraphic. MainScreen.kt Expand private val pointGraphic by lazy { } Expand In the lazy block of thepointGraphic property , create a Point and a SimpleMarkerSymbol. To create the point, provide x (longitude) and y (latitude) coordinates and a Spa...