Works on: Windows (10, 11) Release date: August 22, 2001 Company: Troika Games/Activision Size: 1.1 GB Links: Forum discussion Game features Co-op Single-player Languages English audio text GOG Preservation Program Learn more We make games live forever!Since 2008we enhance good old games ours...
While gameplay shines with a treasure trove of options and customization, the graphics vary in quality. The urban and sylvan areas are nicely designed locations filled with attractive architecture. Items on the ground, however, may require serious hunting and clicking, especially in the dark dungeons...
Set core affinity to 1 CPU core, improving performance on modern systems. Fixed Alt-Tabbing leading to black screen Validated stability Verified compatibility with Windows 10 and 11 Internal Update (05 October 2018) Improved compatibility with newer systems Internal Update (30 March 2018) Updated int...