在StockX 上購買和出售經過 StockX 鑒定的 Other CollectiblesArcade1Up,StockX 是購買和出售 Other Collectibles Arcade1Up 及其他限量版收藏品的即時市場交易平台。
为了向称霸三十载的《街头霸王 II 》格斗游戏致敬,CLOT 宣布与 ARCADE1UP 联名合作推出《街霸 II》BIG BLUE 限量版复古家用街机。
为颂扬《街头霸王 II 》这革命性杰作与其 30 年不变的经典地位,CLOT 特意与家用街机领域专家 ARCADE1UP 合作,打造出《SF 街霸 II》Big Blue 限量版家用街机。CLOT x ARCADE1UP 街机看似燃烧中的外观设计,为此次联名增添火热气息。 CLOT x ARCADE1UP《街头霸王 II 》Big Blue 限量版复古家用街机以及限定服饰系列...
CLOT x Arcade1Up 释出联名系列,向经典的《Street Fighter™ II》(街头霸王 2)及其三十年来的持续影响力致敬,推出限量版 Street Fighter™ II Big Blue 家用街机,并采用 CLOT 的 Silk Royale 设计以增加其热度。此外,该系列还提供一系列服饰,从 Tee 到连帽衫,均带有我们喜欢的《街头霸王 2》角色,且与 CLO...
Street Fighter Gen 1.5 (improved PCBs and emulation): Pac-Man w/riser Galaga w/riser Mortal Kombat II Final Fight Golden Tee TMNT Star Wars Gen 2 (introduces a slider switch for volume control, introduced internal mini-USB hookup for updates): 40th Anniversary Pac-Man Ms. Pac-Man Super ...
Shop for Arcade1UP in Retro and Arcade Gaming Consoles, Accessories & Games. Buy products such as Arcade1Up Ms. PAC-MAN Classic Arcade Video Game Machine, 18.75" x 45.7" x 19.75" in at Walmart and save.
After 2 weeks of it being stock I attempted the Softmod which was done and dusted within an hour or so and I had the extra games from the Big Blue , Marvel vs Capcom and Xmen vs Street Fighter Cabs. I also added Retroarch for Android and added around 20 of my favourite arcade games...
CLOT x ARCADE1UP 今日首发 于 1991 年由日本卡普空公司( Capcom )推出的《街头霸王 II》,是街机史上首个提供多角色选择,并且各有背景及斗技特色的一对一格斗对战游戏。它的出现影响了往后所有格斗游戏的设...
在StockX 上购买和出售经过 StockX 鉴定的 Other Collectibles Arcade1Up,StockX 是购买和出售 Other Collectibles Arcade1Up 及其他限量版收藏品的实时交易平台。