Develop your programming skills by quickly creating and modding retro arcade games with Blocks and JavaScript in the MakeCode editor
Multiplayer Games! Try Now MakeCode 主页 我的项目查看全部 导入 新建项目 Beginner Skillmaps New? Try This! Full of Stories Whack the Mole Talent Show Save the Dinos Burstin' Balloons Turkey Day A Zookeeper's Adventure Beginner Skillmap Next Level Skillmaps Save the Galaxy Monste...
Join us in celebrating this year's Computer Science Education Week by playing, designing and coding your very own retro arcade games!
MakeCode Arcade 讓學生有機會瞭解如何以區塊、JavaScript 和 Python 撰寫程式代碼。 透過其 Scaffold 和引導式進度,學生可以遵循技能圖,隨著時間發展其程式代碼撰寫技能。Arcade Games 初學者指南介紹在MakeCodeArcade中使用的最常見程式代碼區塊類型。在這組活動中,學生會使...
创建MakeCode Arcade 代码后,需要知道如何运行、保存和共享程序。 保存程序 选择屏幕底部的“保存”按钮以保存项目。 项目将保存并自动提供 .png 文件以供存储。 如果已登录到帐户,则会自动保存进度。 屏幕底部会显示一个云图标。 此联机资源提供有关在 MakeCode 中保存和导入程序的更多信息...
We’re super excited to announce the first-everMakeCode Arcadegame jam! Starting next Monday, September 16th, we’ll be hosting a week-long game hackathon—join the community on theMakeCode forumsorDiscordas we spend the week designing games!
Great news for MakeCode Arcaders… we’re releasing some updates today that will allow you to play the Arcade games you create on micro:bits and on an Xbox! MakeCode Arcade on micro:bit That’s right! We’re crossing the streams! Now you can download yourMakeCode Arcadegames on to a mi...
Many games are simple enough to use Makey Makey with just the move with buttons block. However, you will quickly find that you want to use other buttons in MakeCode, like the A and B buttons. These buttons are not mapped to the Makey Makey natively, so we created a MakeCode extension...
Battle legions of snakes with the power of time at your hand in this MakeCode Arcade RPG! gamerpgtimearcade-gamegame-jamarcadesnake-gamerpg-gameslowmakecodemakecode-arcadeslow-downmakecode-arcade-gametime-game UpdatedMay 11, 2021 TypeScript
登入或註冊 您的品項 Kitronik ARCADE Gamepad for Microsoft MakeCode Arcade The Kitronik ARCADE has been specifically designed to offer the perfect platform for running MakeCode Arcade games. It offers many features and has been ergonomically designed...