Develop your programming skills by quickly creating and modding retro arcade games with Blocks and JavaScript in the MakeCode editor
Join us in celebrating this year's Computer Science Education Week by playing, designing and coding your very own retro arcade games!
MakeCode Arcade allows for custom arcade-style game creation using drag and drop block-based programming. Learn how to code your own game then upload it to a Raspberry Pi Zero and play it on the big screen!
Next, is theOn Eventblock. On event will run some code when a button is pressed or released. In this example, the onAbuttonpressedwill cause the event to happen. User input Accepting user input in games is a great way to make interactive games, such as...
Duplicate an existing asset which will make a copy of the asset and put in your Assets view. Copy an existing asset to your clipboard which will actually copy the image, hold it in your computer’s memory, and then allow you to paste it into a blank image editor canvas. ...
<img class="ui image" src="/static/blog/arcade/hero.png" alt="MakeCode Arcade hero banner" loading="lazy">
製作遊戲並學習程序代碼。 從 Microsoft MakeCode 小組加入 Richard 和 Joey,以取得 VS Code 的新 MakeCode Arcade 擴充功能概觀。 對於正在學習程式代碼並熱愛遊戲的兒童,MakeCode Arcade 是開始使用的絕佳平臺。 現在有了這個 VS Code 延伸模組,他們可以將其遊戲建
Simple Shooting Game in Arcade Makecode: This is a little and simple shooting game in the arcade makecode program ( You can download and play it for yourself (using this link). WARNING: I have no talent for creating pixel art sprites
A place for friends to make games! AA-Make-Code-Arcade has 12 repositories available. Follow their code on GitHub.
在 打開此頁面 作為擴充功能使用 可以在 MakeCode 中將此儲存庫新增為擴充功能。 開啟 按一下新專案 按一下工具齒輪選單下的擴充功能 搜索 並匯出 編輯此專案 編輯MakeCode 中的儲存庫。 開啟https:...