matériel MARS, et un code téléchargeable pour le jeu, sont disponibles à l'achat séparément. Le meilleur jeu d'arcade de chasse au monde est à présent disponible sur console. Big Buck Hunter vous offre l'expérience arcade dans votre salon, avec des parties de tir rapides et ...
Big Buck Hunter will bring the arcade experience to your living room with this fast paced, addictive arcade shooter! The all new control and aim mechanics will make this a must pick up and play arcade shooter experience. Travel around the globe and take down wild game in Whitetail and ...
Alcohol Reference, Animated Blood, Violence Ratings Big Buck Hunter Arcade Global player ratings 2.80Average rating 2.8 stars out of five stars from 297 ratings 297 ratings 30% 11% 8% 8% 42% Game and Legal Info Now also playable with MARS™, a unique lightgun gaming experience that brings...
Big Buck Hunter will bring the arcade experience to your living room with this fast paced, addictive arcade shooter! The all new control and aim mechanics will make this a must pick up and play arcade shooter experience. Travel around the globe and take down wild game in Whitetail and ...
Big Buck Hunter Arcade Nintendo Switch 24.5 out of 5 Stars. 2 reviews Save with Shipping, arrivesin 2 days Everybody 1-2 Switch! - Nintendo Switch Add Now $12.99 current price Now $12.99 $29.99 Was $29.99 Everybody 1-2 Switch! - Nintendo Switch ...
Big Buck Hunter Pro® 2010 fue diseñada por John Borg basándose en la serie de recreativas de enorme éxito Big Buck Hunter®. El narrador George Petro guía a los jugadores en su búsqueda de presas de caza mayor, como alces, carneros y ciervos.
關於Big Buck Hunter Arcade 大约 要求 關於這個 game 由GameMill Entertainment 開發和發行。 享受Big Buck Hunter 在 Steam PC 上發布的經典狩獵街機遊戲 — Big Buck Hunter Arcade!在這款街機經典遊戲的現代化版本中完成眾多狩獵關卡,獲得額外的獎勵遊戲等等! 眾多的狩獵水平 遊玩總共 30 個狩獵關卡,每個關卡都...
名称: Big Buck Hunter Arcade 类型: 动作, 模拟, 体育, 策略 开发商: GameMill Entertainment 发行商: GameMill Entertainment 发行日期: 2016 年 10 月 25 日 访问网站 查看更新记录 阅读相关新闻 查看讨论 查找社区组 嵌入 不支持简体中文 本产品尚未对您目前所在的地区语言提供支持。在购买请先行确认目...
your aiming and speed skills in epic bonus challenges. Play alone or with a friend to compete for the highest score, or try to beat the numerous bonus challenges. The perfect game for the Big Buck hunter fan, with easy to pick up controls that still pack a challenge for experienced ...
Big Buck hunter fan, with easy to pick up controls that still pack a challenge for experienced players • 30 total hunting levels • Dangerous animal encounters • 6 total bonus games • Over 20 critters from Squirrels to Bats • 2 player local multiplayer • Big Buck Tour guide ...