3.Support:Jamma 60-in-1 PCB, iCade, Arcade Multigame, Multicade board, JAMMA, Jamma PCB, Jamma 60-in-1, 60 in 1, Jamma Boards, 60 in 1 Arcade, 60 in 1 Jamma, Jamma Arcade, iCade 60 in 1, iCade 60-in-1, Jamma Board,
SKU:60in1Kit-Pac-Upright Price:$139.95 An easy to install kit to upgrade your original Pacman or Ms Pacman cabinet Add to Cart|More Details CraftyMech BitKit V2 FPGA Multigame JAMMA PCB SKU:BITKIT2PCB Price:$199.00 Supports 40+ classic arcade games on one board. ...
Inside the keyboard you'll also notice that there are two bits of plastic film that kind of look like a PCB separated by another bit of film (usually stuck to one of the others). There should be dots and lines all over it and you'll need to identify which dots correspond to which k...