arc42/arc42-template’s past year of commit activity future-of-cloud-dbsPublic some snippets for assessing or evaluating SQLite, libSQL, PostgreSQL and Turso arc42-generatorPublic a gradle build to generate all derived templates from arc42-master...
If you want to use an arc42 template for your system, you don’t need to use this repo - just use one of the templates you find on General Overview The content (structure + embedded-help) of the arc42 template are maintained in the
arc42-template, arc42软件架构文档和通信模板 模板("黄金母版"arc42 - 有效,实用和实用的软件架构文档和通信模板。最初由 Gernot Starke博士和博士创建。 这个存储库包含所有可以下载版本和arc42模板的( AsciiDoc ) 源。它用于:生成( 开源2019-10-10 上传大小:26.00MB ...
Document the architecture of your software easily with this highly practical,open-source template. When developers document the architecture of their systems,they often invent their own specific ways of articulating structures,designs,concepts,and decisions. What they need is a template that enables simp...
As arc42 developer I would like to be able to select the target language as Gradle property, e.g., ./gradlew -P LANGUAGE=CZ asciidoctor.Activity aschemanadded a commit that references this issue on Mar 28, 2023 Enable to select the target language by setting a Gradle property (-> a…...
I have just drawn the german LaTeX arc42 Template ( Compiling it gives me the following error: ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode cha...
Simple arc42 template which can be used for documenting your systems's architecture with arc42 and GitBook. - nrekretep/arc42-gitbook-template
<template> <Markdown/> </template> import Markdown from 'vue-meditor'; export default { name: "markdown", components: { Markdown } } API 编辑器基本属性 value Type: String/Number Default: '' 编辑器输入的文本,支持通过v-dodel数据双向绑定设置编辑器内容和获取编辑器的值。 width Type...
arc42972VOL: 7,300$--architecture document template for word357VOL: --$--arc42 example317VOL: 250$--quality attribute utility tree154VOL: 40$--context view145VOL: 240$--76 其他檢視更多 關鍵字總數81 想發掘更多商機嗎? 提升各關鍵字的流量份額,了解如何利用 Similarweb Digital Marketing Intelligen...