We are going to be doing alotmore welding in the near future for several projects. So ... I'm thinking of getting aGaslessMIGWelder- new machine/tool which will result inmuuuuuuchcleaner weld joints and require less clean-up. I've watched a bunch of YT videos already, e.g:https://...
An electric arc welder having an inverter with a waveform generator that generates a welding waveform with a waveform period and a root mean square (RMS) level for maintaining a sta
We do all have our respective niches. I have friends who love pattern welding, or smelting, or the Japanese styles. My own niche tends to be small, highly authentic, often with integral bolsters and/or inlay work. And despite the popularity, you couldn’t pay me enough to do pattern we...
wire arc additive manufacturing; welding; steel; aluminum; titanium; nickel; magnesium; copper; path planning; process surveillance; multi-material; intermetallic 1. Introduction and Overview At present, additive manufacturing is the focus of industry and research due to a large number of new ...
The elements are uniformly distributed in the AM HEA, and the elemental percentage is also basically distributed according to the welding wire. Figure 5. Micro-morphology and corresponding EDS mappings of AM HEA. Table 2. The EDS analyses of AM HEA. 3.2. Mechanical Properties The mechanical ...
Wire + arc additive manufacturing (WAAM) utilizes a welding arc as a heat source and a metal wire as a feedstock. In recent years, WAAM has attracted significant attention in the manufacturing industry owing to its advantages: (1) high deposition rate, (2) low system setup cost, (3) wide...