Judging from how Sphinx was maintaining her attitude of deliberately not probing further into the subject, it could be said that the idea of it belonging to the core of her motives was unequivocally affirmed. There was one thing that Priscilla was, as much as she was vexed to admit it, fa...
The Marine captain, Ratel, had threatened to execute them one by one until they would admit where it was. However, Weevil had arrived to defend his father's hometown and fought off the Marines, forcing them to retreat and request backup. Ryokugyu was sent and had subdued and captured ...
machined quickly and cleanly from thin stock using a custom tool. We’ll admit to being impressed — many EDM builds either never get to the point of making simple holes, or stop when progressing beyond that initial success proves daunting. Of course, when [Andy] drops the fact that he ma...
Before she can finish Nami off, however, Chopper broke into the room, still in monstrous form and totally out of control.[32] The giant Chopper attacked Nami wildly, uprooting Kalifa's bath in the process. He threw it down the stairs to where Sanji lay unconscious below, drenching the ...
If anyone doubts this, let him ask himself why a maid charged with a special mission from heaven to the Dauphin (this was how Joan saw her very able plan for retrieving the desperate situation of the uncrowned king) should not have simply gone to the court as a maid, in woman's dress...
most medieval doctors were using the same written works describing the theory. This meant that most doctors were making very similar decisions on how to treat patients based on balancing the humors. While we must admit that some of the decisions, and the treatments, were wrong and probably caus...
(I have to admit, it amuses me to think that the director might have shown the film to his patients, some of whom might have also believed that the visions they saw and voices they heard came directly from God.) For those critics who were fortunate enough to see the film in ...
Culminating this past weekend at Pax Interruptus, where I met my match and got foiled by Will, the Advancing Man. I shot at Will, but I did not get him… I must admit, while on the one hand I was disappointed to be eliminated from the finals that quickly, on the other, the visual...
The link went to a free SurveyMonkeyform. (You could also use a freeGoogle Form.) My form was mostly geared to making sure that any applicants had the technical ability to load books on their ereading devices, although I plan on sending them the ARCs viaInstaFreebie(and InstaFreebie offer...
SPECIAL COLLABORATORProg Reviewer / Special Collaborator I must admit to doing a bit of a double take when I saw this new album, as I only discovered the underground progressive scene in 1991 and Castanarc had already pretty much finished by then. I reviewed their 1984 debut, 'Journey To ...