The source data frame allows you to read and inherit settings from another frame. You can set rules in a basemap data frame and enforce them in inset map data frames. Source data frames only apply to documents with multiple data frames. ...
. In map documents with multiple data frames, you can specify that a data frame inherits another's settings. For example, one data frame could use the same scale and size as a source data frame. This allows you to enforce standardized settings from a basemap to ma...
NSBitmapImageFileType NSBitmapImageRep NSBorderType NSBox NSBoxType NSBrowser NSBrowser.Notifications NSBrowserCell NSBrowserColumnResizingType NSBrowserDelegate NSBrowserDelegate_Extensions NSBrowserDropOperation NSButton NSButtonCell NSButtonType NSCachedImageRep NSCandidateListTouchBarItem NSCandidateListTouchBarItem...
MapInsetPropertyPage Occurs on page creation. activate(_RemotableHandle, tagRECT, int) - Method in class com.esri.arcgis.arcmapui.MapPropertyPage activate activate() - Method in class com.esri.arcgis.arcmapui.MapPropertyPage Occurs on page creation. activate(_RemotableHandle, tagRECT,... src/main AndroidManifest.xml ic_launcher-playstore.png java/com/arc/fast/layoutmanager/sample MainActivity.kt extension BindingAdapter.kt ViewExtensions.kt res layout activity_main.xml item_layout.xml mipmap-anydpi-v26 ic_launcher.xml ic_launcher_round.xml...
InsetWindow = pDataWindowFactory.Create(Application) Set pMapInset = pMapInsetWindow.MapInset Set the zoom percent to 200% pMapInset.ZoomPercent = 200 pMapInsetWindow.Show True End If End Sub GeoDataBase 如何加载Shape文件本例实现的是在ArcMap中连接指定的Shape文件,并将其加载到当前激活的Map中...
Primary antibodies used were: rabbit anti-Arc (1:1000; custom-made; ProteinTech, Rosemont, IL); rabbit anti-Arc (1:1000; Synaptic Systems, Goettingen, Germany); chicken anti-MAP2 (1:5000; ab5392; Abcam); mouse anti-Rab5 (1:1000; BD Biosciences, San Jose, CA); DAPI nuclear stain (...
pLinePro.LineDecoration = pLineDeco; pLinePro.DecorationOnTop=true; IGeometry pGeo; pGeo = axMapControl2.TrackLine(); object oLineSymbol = pCartoLineSyl; axMapControl2.DrawShape(pGeo, ref oLineSymbol); } 画线3 private void axMapControl2_OnMouseDown(object sender, AxESRI.ArcGIS.MapControl.IM...
下面的代码块可在 ArcMap Python 窗口中运行,它将有关当前页面布局的信息写入指定的文本文件。 importos# Create an output location variableoutputDirectory=r"C:\temp"# Open a text file to append info toinsetTxt=outputDirectory+r"\insetInfo.txt"FILE=open(insetTxt,"a")try:mxd=arcpy.mapping.MapDocum...
extent on a product. An instance is associated with a data frame on the map document. A product can have one or more instances on it, which means it can also have more than one data frame (one for each instance). The instance can contain the main map data or be used as an inset....