官网:http://arc-de-triomphe.monuments-nationaux.fr/ 开放时间:4月-9月:10:00-23:0; 建议游玩时间:1小时 参考价: 成人:9欧; 儿童:免费。 简介 巴黎凯旋门,位于法国巴黎的戴高乐广场中央,香榭丽舍大街的西端。它是现今世界上最大的一座圆拱门,异常壮观。巴黎凯旋门高约50米,宽约45米,厚约22米。门上有许...
地址: Place Charles-de-Gaulle,75008 Paris 时间: 4月1日至9月30日 10:00-23:00 10月1日至3月31日 10:00-22:30 (关闭前45分钟停止售票) 电话: +33 1 55 37 73 77 网址: arc-de-triomphe.monuments-nationaux.fr/en/巴黎凯旋门推荐旅游项目更多巴黎凯旋门旅游 「巴黎Mini」凯旋门、香榭丽舍、凡尔赛宫...
Whatever teams from the Centre des monuments nationaux, the Centre Pompidou and the city of Paris did to prepare, it took only that single meeting between Christo and French officials, and the project was a go.“It was luck. We know that,” Christo said...
Work has just begun on the late Christo's unfulfilled intervention for the Arc de Triomphe in Paris.
operation held in partnership with the Centre Pompidou and the Centre des Monuments Naitonaux is postponed.Christois coming back to Paris from September 18th to October, 3rd, 2021 with a monumental installation,The Arc de Triomphe, wrapped,project for Paris...
“It will be like a living object who will move in the wind and reflect the light. With its moving folds, the monument’s surface will become sensual. People will want to touch the Arc de Triomphe” Christo. The project was submitted to the Centre de...
en haut des champs-élysées, sur la place de l’étoile, visitez l’arc de triomphe, symbole national. #432,746 #35,174 Fransa Similarweb tahmini verileri gösteriliyor. GA4'ünüzü bağlayarak sitenizin ölçümlerini herkese açık olarak doğrulayın ...