In total, the project cost around 14 million euros. But like all of Christo and Jeanne-Claude's projects, the 'L'Arc de Triomphe, Wrapped' will, according to a spokesperson for the project, be entirely funded through the sale of preparatory drawings and other original artworks. Sotheby's ...
Encasing the Arc de Triomphe in cloth was a longstanding vision of the late artists Christo and Jeanne-Claude -- one that finally came into focus this summer. It began with 400 tons of steel beams erected like a metal jacket around the structure, followed by the wrapping, which was conduct...
艺术家Christo Vladimirov Javacheff和Jeanne Claude "包裹 “项目由其团队与国家纪念碑中心(CMN)合作完成,并得到了蓬皮杜中心和巴黎市的支持。 L'Arc de Triomphe, Wrapped完全由 Christo V. Javacheff 的基金会出资,通过出售 Christo 的项目准备研究、图纸和拼贴画以及比例模型、1950 年代和 1960 年代的作品以及原始...
与Christo的所有项目一样,“ l’arc de triomphe, wrapped”将完全由艺术家通过出售他的前期研究、该项目的素描和拼贴画、比例模型、20世纪50年代和60年代的作品以及其他主题的原始平版版画来筹集资金,项目不接受任何公共或私人资金。 Christo在2019年说:“在我和Jeanne Claude完成pont-neuf项目的35年后,我渴望再次在...
当地时间9月16日,法国巴黎凯旋门“L'Arc de Triomphe, Wrapped(包裹的凯旋门)”项目的落成典礼举行。 小马哥在落成典礼现场 这个耗时一个多月,耗资1400多万欧元的项目终于要在9月18日对外开放了。 凯旋门被包裹在2.5万平方米的可循环利用聚丙烯织物中,并以3000米长的可循环利用红绳固定。
mazing! In Paris, the Arc deTriomphe(凯旋门) wore 1clothes.Christo was a great2from Bulgaria.He was good at makingbig outdoor works of art.Christo wanted to wrap(包装) the Arc de Triomphe. He 3 with theidea about 60 years ago. The Arc de Triomphe isin the middle of Pari. As a yo...
L'Arc de Triomphe, Wrapped, 是巴黎的一个临时艺术作品,从2021年9月18日星期六到10月3日星期日展出了16天。该项目是与国家古迹中心合作并与巴黎市协调实现的。它还得到了蓬皮杜中心的支持。凯旋门被包裹在25000...
Work has just begun on the late Christo's unfulfilled intervention for the Arc de Triomphe in Paris.
Photographer Jad Sylla captured the completed L’Arc de Triomphe, Wrapped, the posthumous work of artists Christo and Jeanne-Claude.
Christo's Last Present Oct 2021 Although I am not the biggest fan of the wrapped Arc de Triomphe, we heard it was the last day it would be wrapped when we landed. It is one of those things that is a great experience even if it wasn't your sense of taste. ...