Arc Browser is a free web browser designed to reinvent the fundamentals of browsing. Here's a quick review of Arc Browser for PC.
It was launched on 11 December 2023 by The Browser Company. It’s important to note that it’s currently in the development phase. As of now, theBeta version of Arcbrowser has been rolled out only. Here’s a simple guide to help you in downloading and using Arc browser on Windows: St...
One of the more unique and enjoyable web browsers on the market is rolling out for the Windows operating system.
然而恰逢手上常用的浏览器 Arc 又出问题,又离上一篇文章约有一月有余,于是干脆抽出时间写写 Arc 来。 不记得在哪里看到的 Arc 的介绍,但因为我此前有在玩光遇(Sky),开发商的名字是 That Game Company,所以当 Arc 开发商的名字 The Browser Company 出现在眼前时,这种巧合蛮有意思,就申请加入了 Waitlist。因...
但是幸而 The Browser Company(后面就叫它们浏览器公司了)的更新周期有够快,并且随后上新的 Boost 功能看起来也很有趣(我对这个功能更多的用例其实是类似 uBlock Origin 的屏蔽页面元素什么的 Zip 功能),于是我再次尝试起使用Arc来。 上面提到的那些问题,基本上浏览器公司的团队都有在做优化,太严重的问题也都得到了...
Downloads is just as it sounds, it’s a list of your downloads. Every web browser basically has this feature, and Arc is no different. Archived Tabs is super useful for tab hoarders like myself, and it’s fairly self explanatory. It stores archives of your tabs. Use it! It’s usefu...
Arc是由Josh Miller和Hursh Agrawal创立的初创公司The Browser Company开发的免费的网络浏览器,在封闭测试后于2022年4月19日发布。Arc已于macOS和iOS推出,而Windows版本正在开发中,该公司宣称将于2023年冬季推出。数据统计相关导航 微设计 超棒!汇集脍炙人口的交互体验,图文并茂 Emoji混搭-两个Emoji相遇了,会发生什么?
VisualStudioWindowsDesktop Visualtotals VocabularyFile Birim WaitForCustomEvent WaitForFieldChange WaitForItemEvent İzle WCF WCFData WeakHierarchy Web WebAdmin WebAPI Webapplication WebBrowserItem Web Yapılandırması WebContract WebControlLibrary WebCustomASCXControl WebCustomControl WebDestination WebFile...
ARC Browser is a rom collection browser and emulator frontend that maintains a database of all your games, presented in a user friendly way, and let's you play them using your favorite emulators. Suitable for both phones and tablets (pr
安全公司Malwarebytes周一发现,最近的一些广告在推广Mac版的Arc浏览器。这款非传统浏览器去年7月才开始在macOS平台上广泛可用。广告向用户承诺了一个“更平和、更个性化”的体验,其中包括更少的杂乱和干扰,这个营销口号模仿了Arc浏览器制造商——初创公司The Browser Company的宣传语。