Hornady 新推出的 .22 ARC 是为那些想要获得 .22 口径高速弹药的用户而设计的。 .22 ARC 适合作为 AR 步枪的弹药。 ARC 是 " 先进步枪弹药(Advanced Rifle Cartridge)" 的首字母缩写,这种弹药是专为使用超低阻力(VLD)弹丸设计的。对于这种高速弹药感兴趣的用户包括猎人、精确步枪射手等。.22 ARC 如此吸引用户...
The new 22 Advanced Rifle Cartridge (also known as the 22 ARC) from Hornady aims to combine the strengths of the highly regarded and very successful 223 Remington and 22-250 Remington cartridges into a single package and to fit into a specific niche no mainstream rifle cartridge currently occu...
#10MinuteTalk - The 22 ARC: Best 22 Centerfire Ever?播放 Fast, flat, fits in an AR-15, great for long range shooting, an absolute predator pounder, and light recoiling. The 22 ARC lives up to its name of Advanced Rifle Cartridge. So, do you need one? Listen and find out...
Special Operations, it is already one of my favorite bolt-action rifle cartridges. I am not alone in my new love for small-cased 6mm cartridges. There is currently an explosion in the use of cartridges like the 6mm Dasher, 6mm BR, 6mm BRA, 6mm BRX, etc. These cartridges dominate the ...
当然,这并非全部美军部队,而是一个保密作战单位。ARC为“先进步枪弹药(Advanced Rifle Cartridge)”的缩写,因此可以看出这款弹药是针对以往弹药的不足而专门研制的。本文为《枪械与弹药(Guns&Ammo)》杂志发表的分析文章,作者Eric Poole,本人翻译并编辑给大家分享。
Hornady公司研制的6mm ARC已被美国军方采用,作为7.62×51mm弹药的替代品。当然,这并非全部美军部队,而是一个保密作战单位。ARC为“先进步枪弹药(Advanced Rifle Cartridge)”的缩写,因此可以看出这款弹药是针对以往弹药的不足而专门研制的。本文为《枪械与弹药(Guns
Kaidou retaliated with Kaifu, which the young pirates either evaded or deflected, while Luffy struck back with Gomu Gomu no Kong Rifle, followed immediately by Kid who slammed Kaidou into the ground with Slam Gibson. Kaidou then attempted to chomp on Law, who easily evaded and pierced a Gamma...
ARC brass uses small rifle primers, and Federal Premium’s Gold Medal AR Match were used for all AR loads. AR test loads included Berger’s 108-grain Elite Hunter with a .559 G1 BC, 110-grain Hornady A-Tip (.604 G1 BC) and Nosler’s 115-grain RDF with a .634 G1 BC (the ...
Chased to the surface by the creature, Luffy defeats it easily with his Gomu Gomu no Rifle, which made it spit out a small mermaid (who lands right on a super-excited Sanji) and a starfish. The mermaid, revealed to be named Camie, introduced herself by trying to sell the crew some ...
He manages to stop time to avoid getting hit but Josuke is unable to keep track of the rat's position. Jotaro tells him to look for the exact moment it fires which he is able to spot when Bug-Eaten shoots again. Just as Crazy Diamond is about to fire a rifle bullet, Jotaro is ...