1600–1700 Shortwave infrared 4 SWIR 2 2145–2185 Shortwave infrared 5 SWIR 3 2185-2225 Shortwave infrared 6 SWIR 4 2235-2285 Shortwave infrared 7 SWIR 5 2295-2365 Shortwave infrared 8 SWIR 6 2360-2430 Shortwave infrared 9 TIR 1 8125-8475 Thermal infrared 10 TIR 2 8475-8825 Thermal infrared...
JPEG —一种有损三通道图像格式,支持大量的颜色变化(1600 万个颜色),但不支持透明度。 每个像素包含三条 8 位颜色通道。 采用 JPEG 的缓存可控制输出质量和大小。 MIXED —PNG32 格式将在检测到透明度的所有位置(也就是数据框背景可见的所有位置)进行创建。 系统将为其余的切片创建 JPEG 格式。 这可降低平均文...
datasourcesrasterui:DataSourcesRasterUI程序集提供了用户界面,包括属性页,以支持DataSourcesRaster程序集中包含的对象。 arccatalog:ArcCatalog程序集包含ArcCatalog应用程序,包括GxApplication对象。 arccatalogui:ArcCatalogUI程序集提供了特定于ArcCatalog应用程序的用户界面组件。 arcmap:ArcMap程序集包含包含application对象的Arc...
a 15km route can be reached via the funicular from 1600 but this is reliant on good snow conditions. You will find ‘walking, Cross-country skiing and snowshoeing maps’ at the Tourist Office, alternatively lessons and guided excursions are available from the various ski schools, ask a membe...
server:服务器程序集包含用于为服务器获取到ArcGIS连接的对象。连接是通过这个库中的对象来管理的,但是来自其他库的对象可以通过使用服务器对象上的函数来创建。 output:Output程序集包含生成输出(通常从Maps或pagelayout)到打印机和绘图仪或导出到文件所需的对象。
We systematically propose a thin shell-type acoustic metasurface, which could be used to design a carpet cloak that closely covers an arc-shaped object, therefore providing the necessary support for hiding an object with any arbitrary shape. To facilitat
Description Here are a few good pictures showing off our progress for the maps...we're almost there! Details Date Aug 14th, 2011 By CM-HockeyGoalie35 Size 1600×1200 Views 11,179 (1 today) Options URL Embed Embed Thumb Share New Add media Feed RSS Cookies...
Interval velocity determinations allowed construction of isopachmaps for the lower/middle Miocene and for the upper Miocene to Recent forearc basin fill of the Lombok Basin. A maximum of 1600 m of lower/middle Miocene and about 2000 m of upper Miocene to Recent basin fill is recorded in the ...
Historians throw out a multitude of dates from 1350 to 1600 with no rhyme or reason. Historians agree that the Renaissance started at the end of the Medieval period but, again, no one can agree on a single date. Some use 1453 since it was the fall of Constantinople to the Muslims. 1400...
ViT-L/16 1600 224x224 85.5 model Results on ImageNet1K Visualization Visualize the self-attention map between [CLS] token and local tokens of the pre-trained ViT-B/16 model on ImageNet-1K, where (a) indicates ConMIM pretraining and (b) indicates the vanilla instance-level contrastive pre...