Fruits can be eaten fresh but don't have too much flavor, they are usually used to ferment and make an alcoholic beverage. The trees are commonly planted as ornamentals for their pretty flowers and fruit. Native Range Native to Southern Europe and the Mediterranean region. Related Species Eric...
11.1), similar to that originally described by Rivett (1924) in Arbutus unedo. This pattern of branching, which has been observed in associations between Arbutus spp. and a range of other fungi (Molina and Trappe, 1982a; Giovannetti and Lioi, 1990) appears to arise from precocious initiation...
arbutus: Any of various broad-leaved evergreen trees or shrubs of the genus Arbutus of the heath family, including the madrone and the strawberry tree, that are native chiefly to warm temperate regions of the Americas and Europe.
Species:A. andrachne-A. andrachnoides-A. arizonica-A. canariensis-A. glandulosa-A. menziesii-A. peninsularis-A. unedo-A. xalapensis Name Arbutus L. Verncular names Arbutus is a genus of at least 14 species of flowering plants in the family Ericaceae, native to warm temperate regions of...
unedo fruit [3]. Similar work has been carried out in Turkey, where a program allowed for the selection of strawberry tree genotypes of high quality from the native strawberry tree population that grows in the central Black Sea Region of Turkey [4]. Ripe fruit is normally harvested in ...
unedo fruit [3]. Similar work has been carried out in Turkey, where a program allowed for the selection of strawberry tree genotypes of high quality from the native strawberry tree population that grows in the central Black Sea Region of Turkey [4]. Ripe fruit is normally harvested in ...