ar·bo·ri·o rice (âr-bôr′ē-ō) n. A rounded, medium-grain rice from Italy that is both firm and creamy when cooked and is often used to make risotto. [AfterArborio, town in the Po valley in Italy where the rice is grown.] ...
Yes (8)No (0) 28 December 2016 by aew too much preparation Won't buy this again as have to soak the rice overnight prior to using. Was this helpful?Yes (11)No (5) Your rating and review Leave a review Recipes Champagne and Prawn Risotto 50 mins Turkey Risotto 40 mins...
Oh right. This is a cooking blog.Apropos of nothing, two weeks ago I made the most perfect rice pudding I’ve ever eaten. Yes, I know, I already said thatlast monthaboutMarie-Louise’s Rice Puddingbut I forgot to mention that I’m freaking lazy, and that one took two hours. This ...